We are here to help

Reach out to us with any questions you have about your academic record, degree audit, academic regulations, graduation eligibility, transfer credits, letter of permission, and/or exchange program learning agreements.

James Spray – Records & Graduation

I am here to support students in assessing their eligibility to graduate, mapping out their academic possibilities, and managing their Academic Record.

Pronouns: he/him/his

ro.records@dal.ca - inquiries related to your academic record
degreeaudit@dal.ca - inquiries related to DARS and degree audits
graduation@dal.ca - inquiries related to graduation eligibility and applications to graduate

Or book an appointment to connect sooner.
Please indicate if you prefer a virtual (via Microsoft Teams), phone or in-person appointment.

Jan Nason – Transfer Credits & Student Mobility

I support students seeking credit recognition for previously completed academic work, or as they explore opportunities to study at other institutions while completing a degree at Dalhousie University.

Pronouns: she/her/hers

transfercredits@dal.ca - seeking credit for previously completed academic work
lop@dal.ca -  seeking opportunities to take courses at an institution outside of Dalhousie and credit it towards a Dal degree

Or book an appointment to connect sooner.
Please indicate if you prefer a virtual (via Microsoft Teams), phone or in-person appointment.