Meet the team

If you have questions about the application and enrollment process for undergraduate programs at Dalhousie, there are multiple options for getting in touch with us. Begin by selecting an advisor who can assist you and then contact them via email, phone or schedule a virtual appointment for guidance.

Please note: Contact Graduate.Studies@Dal.Ca for questions regarding graduate program admissions, graduate scholarships and bursaries. Prospective applicants to professional programs such as Law, Medicine, and Dentistry should reach out to the departmental advisor for their program of choice.

Undergraduate Recruitment Advisors

Please choose only one of the advisors below to help with your query:


Our undergraduate recruitment team is here to assist prospective students in exploring their options and navigating the application process. General inquiries, program information, and campus life questions can be directed to a member of this team.



Brittni Baird: Nova Scotia

Assistant Registrar, Recruitment a& Admissions 

Hometown: Halifax, NS
Pronouns (she/her/hers)
Best advice for new students: Enjoy the moment! Every step of the process is a part of the journey. Four years of university flies by, so make sure to get involved and make the most of it. I recommend getting as much of a variety of experiences as possible, whether it is doing a co-op, studying abroad, or taking different electives. Trying new things will give you different a perspective on the world, and yourself!

Chris Vickers: Associate Director, Recruitment (International)

Associate Director, Recruitment (International)

Chris Vickers, Recruitment and Admissions Advisor


Book an appointment with Chris!

Hometown: Atholville, NB
Best advice for new students: Explore our beautiful communities by being open to new adventures.
Pronouns: he/him/his

Curtis Clarke: Associate Director, Recruitment (Domestic)

Associate Director, Recruitment (Domestic)

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Hometown: Bedford, NS
Best advice for new students: Allow yourself the academic freedom to take courses that are of interest to you and may not be part of you degree requirements, as you may find a new area of passion or potential career path.
Pronouns: He/Him/His

Emma Cheng: Ontario

Assistant Registrar, Recruitment


Hometown: Lindsay, ON

Best advice for new students: Say yes to new opportunities. Whether it be volunteering, joining a club, or taking on a part-time job, sometimes stepping out of your comfort zone can be the start of an exciting path that you never knew about before!

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Gaurav Chhabra: Student Recruitment Manager (India)

Student Recruitment Manager (India)

Hillary Bonin: Campus Tours

Assistant Registrar, Recruitment, Events And Campus Tours


Hometown: Halifax, NS
Best advice: Take the time to explore all that Dalhousie has to offer. Clubs, societies, and other extracurricular activities are a great way to meet like-minded people and learn more about yourself and your passions.
Pronouns: she/her/hers

Jacob Smith: Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Newfoundland & Labrador and PEI

Assistant Registrar, Recruitment

Hometown: Hilden, NS
Best advice for new students: Explore the campus, it’s services and supports, and different areas of study to discover your interests.  You don’t need to have everything figured out in first year, it’s alright to change paths throughout your studies.
Pronouns: He/Him/His

Joy Baillie: Special Events (Halifax)

Assistant Registrar, Recruitment & Special Events

Guyleigh Johnson, Recruitment and Admissions Advisor


Book an appointment with Joy!

Hometown: Greenwood, NS
Best advice for new students: Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try new things! Get involved, join clubs and extracurriculars, and explore the city you'll be calling home for the next few years. Take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way and lean on your support systems when you need them.
Pronouns: she/her/hers

Lucas Mancini: Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, and the United States

Assistant Registrar, Recruitment



Book an appointment with Lucas!

Hometown: Dartmouth, NS
Best advice for new students: Really throw yourself into the university experience and all it has to offer. Join clubs, go to events, volunteer. If your schedule allows it, then do it! Also if you have the opportunity to study abroad be sure to take it.
Pronouns: he/him/his

Randy Kelly: Alberta, British Columbia, Yukon, Nunavut, and the Northwest Territories

Assistant Registrar, Recruitment and Admissions



Book an appointment with Randy!

Hometown: Chipman, NB
Best advice for new students: Make the most of your university experience. Get involved in campus activities and meet lots of new people. Don't forget to take advantage of our student supports, work hard, and have some fun.
Pronouns: he/him/his

Vicki Mackintosh: Special Events and Campus Tours (Faculty of Agriculture, Truro)

Assistant Registrar, Recruitment, Special Events and Campus Tours (Faculty of Agriculture)

Hometown: Truro, Nova Scotia 
Best advice for new students: Be involved as much as you can! The best learning opportunities don't always take place in the classroom. 
Pronouns: she/they

Yentl Lee: Agents

Assistant Registrar, Agent Relations

Guyleigh Johnson, Recruitment and Admissions Advisor


Book an appointment with Yentl!

Hometown: Hong Kong, China
Best advice for new students: One of the benefits of studying at a university is that you have so many opportunities to explore your passion and meet new friends from all around the world. Take a few baby steps at a time, feel the fear, and do it anyway! Enjoy your new journey at Dal!
Pronouns: she/her/hers

Undergraduate Admissions Advisors

Our undergraduate admissions team assists with application assessment and can answer your questions about undergraduate admissions requirements. To make an appointment with an admissions advisor, please call 902-494-2450.

Scott MacDonald: International students

Assistant Registrar, International Admissions


Hometown: Halifax, NS
Best advice for new students: I encourage you to take advantage of the services and supports offered by Dalhousie to develop personally, academically and professionally. You can really make your university experience what you want it to be!
Pronouns: he/him/his

Samuel Turpin: International Students

Assistant Registrar, International Recruitment and Admissions


Hometown: Yarmouth, NS
Best Advice: Apply to residence by our residence deadline and live in on-campus for at least your first year if you can! There are so many ways to get engaged in our amazing community and feel at home at Dalhousie, whether you live on-campus or off, but my personal favourite memories from my time in university come from living in residence. I can think of no better way to meet new people, take advantage of all our student supports, and immerse yourself in campus culture.
Pronouns: He/Him/His

Kazi Rahman: International students

Assistant Registrar, International Admissions

Bethany Saunders: International students

Hometown: Dhaka, Bangladesh
Best Advice: Get involved in the university community, ask for help if you need to and connect with your professors as they are your best friend in university. There are resources and people in places to help and guide you through and you are not alone. 
Pronouns: he/him/his

Irem Razic: International students

Assistant Registrar, International Admissions

Irem Otluoglu, Assistant Registrar, Recruitment and Campus Visit


Book an appointment with Irem!

Hometown: Istanbul, Turkey
Best advice: Take advantage of all the resources that are available to you at Dalhousie. I highly recommend connecting with your advisors, volunteer in the community, join clubs and sports!
Pronouns: she/her/hers

Tracey Roy: Canadian students

Assistant Registrar, Admissions

Tracey Roy, Admissions Advisor


Hometown: Halifax, NS
Best advice for new students: Go beyond the classroom with your education. Try a club or society, get involved with a charity and explore what Halifax has to offer. Make connections, develop confidence and skills like critical thinking, decision making, empathy and resilience. 
Pronouns: she/her/hers

Peggy Griffin: Canadian students

Assistant Registrar, Admissions

Peggy Griffin, Admissions Advisor


Hometown: Grand Falls-Windsor, NL
Best advice for new students: Stay connected with your academic advisor, they are here to help and provide you with the best possible advice.
Pronouns: she/her/hers

Jordan Wright: Canadian students

Assistant Registrar, Admissions



Hometown: Middle Sackville, Nova Scotia
Best Advice: Be in the present, allow yourself to step out of your comfort zone, and make the most of your experience at Dalhousie! It will surprise you just how fast time can pass. Make you take advantage of all the amazing resources we have here for you!
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers