Paul Amyotte
Professor, PhD, PEng, CD Howe Chair in Process Safety

Phone: 902-494-3976
Fax: n/a
Mailing Address:
Dalhousie University
PO Box 15000 Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3H 4R2
- Process safety
- Dust explosions
- Inherently safer design
- BEng (Royal Military College of Canada)
- MSc (Eng) (Queen's University)
- PhD (Technical University of Nova Scotia)
Research Interests
My research projects aim to address issues of process safety through a combination of experimentation, phenomenological modeling, computational fluid dynamics modeling, and analytical tool development. The long term goal of my research program is to provide engineering methodologies for the enhancement of process safety. The primary motivation in my work is the protection of the most important element of any business - people.
Office Hours and Location
Chemical Engineering Building, Room 2222. By appointment.