Zhizhang (David) Chen
Professor, Department Head, Fellow of IEEE, CAE, EIC
Web: zdchen88.github.io
Email: z.chen@dal.ca
Phone: (902) 494-6000
Fax: (902) 422-7535
Mailing Address:
Electrical and Computer Engineering
1459 Oxford Street
Dalhousie University
Halifax, N.S.
B3H 4R2
Research Topics:- unconditionally stable time-domain numerical methods for electromagnetic modeling
- nonlinear ultra-wideband impulse radios
- indoor localization and tracking technology
- conformal antennas
- low-earth orbit satellite systems
- magnetically coupled resonant wireless power transfer
Research Areas:
- Computational Electromagnetics
- Radios and Microwaves
- Ultra-wideband Communications
- Antennas
- Wireless Sensing, and Wireless Power Technology