


Selected Publications


- Exclamation in Modern Literary Arabic. A Pragmatic Perspective (doctorate thesis, published in English), Bucharest: Editura Universitatii Bucuresti, 2003 (306 p.).

- Geneza cercurilor. Filiatia spirituala.  (The Genesis of the Circles. The spiritual filiations; in collaboration with George Grigore). Translation into Romanian (with explanatory notes) of Ibn Arabi’s treatise “Kitab nasab al-khirqa” (The spiritual filiations), pp. 75-113. Introductory study in collaboration with George Grigore (pp.5-20). Bucharest: Kriterion (Bibliotheca Islamica), 2003.                                                                    

- Aripile frante (“Broken Wings”) anthology of prose by Jubran Khalil Jubran [Gibran Kahlil Gibran, the English version of the author's name]. Translation from the original Arabic into Romanian of the author's masterpieces, with introductory study, notes, and chronological table. Bucharest: Minerva, Colectia 'Biblioteca pentru toti', 1989 (253 p.)                                             

Creative Writing (books):

 Lacunarii ("Lacunaria" or "The Missing Things"). Poems, in Romanian. Turnu-Severin: Prier, 1996 (76 p.)

Mai frumoasa decat Nefertari. Egiptul meu (More beautiful than Nefertari. My Egypt). Travel literary prose. Bucharest: Crater-Valahia, 1998 (183 p.)

Sura li-l-baqaa’ ("Everlasting image"). Poems, in Arabic. Cairo: al-Hay’a al-‘amma li-Qusur al-Thaqafa, 2003 (96 p.)

Peer-reviewed articles and encyclopedia lemmas

- "Khalli 'alena! The Modal Khalla in Spoken Arabic from Syria" in Alf Lahga wa Lahga  (Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of AIDA). Edited by Olivier Durand, Angela Daian Langone and Giuliano Mion, 2014 (pp. 361-376), Wien/Berlin: LIT VERLAG

-"Renewing Thought from Exile: Gibrân Khalil Gibrân on the New Era" in Synergies Monde Arabe, revue du GERFLINT, numéro 8/2011, coordoné par Henda Dhaouadi et Daniela Firanescu, ISSN de l'édition en ligne: 2261 – 1045, pp. 67-80. Printed 2012.

- "Reading notes on Sakkākī’s concept of semantic engendering", in Festschrift for Nadia Anghelescu, edited by Andrei A. Avram, Anca Focşeneanu, George Grigore, pp. 215-233, Bucharest: Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, 2011.

- "Do you still love Fairuz? The modal bə'i in spoken Arabic from Syria" in Synergies Monde Arabe, Revue du GERFLINT, No. 7, pp. 123-142, Riyadh, 2011.

- “The meanings of becoming in Syrian Arabic. Approach of the modal Sâr” in Matériaux Arabes et Sudarabiques, Nouvelles Série 12, pp. 37-62, 2006-2010, printed 2010.

- “The Moving Sands of Modals Raah and Ija in Syrian Arabic”, in Between the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Studies on Contemporary Arabic Dialects. Proceedings of the 7th AIDA Conference, held in Vienna from 5-9 September 2006, edited by Stephan Procházka and Veronika Ritt-Benmimoun, Wien: LIT, Neue Beihefte zur Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes Bd. 4, pp. 185-194, 2008.

- « Cher comme poivre – L’art de la traduction des Mu‘allaqât en français dans la version de Pierre Larcher ». Synergies Monde Arabe, Revue du GERFLINT, No. 5,  pp. 47-60,  Riyadh, 2008.

- “Speech Acts”. Lemma in the Encyclopedia of Arabic Languages and Linguistics, edited by Kees Versteegh, Volume IV, Leiden–Boston: Brill Academic Publishers, 2008.

- “Modal Verbs”. Lemma in the Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics, edited by Kees Versteegh, Volume III, Leiden–Boston: Brill Academic Publishers,   2007.

- “Exclamation”. Lemma in the Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics, edited by Kees Versteegh, Volume II, Leiden–Boston: Brill Academic Publishers, 2006.

- « Ma‘ānī al-kalām chez az-Zarkashī. Interrogation et performance », in Romano-Arabica, III, pp. 93-117, Bucharest: University of Bucharest, Centre for Arab Studies, 2004.

- « Le modalisateur aspectuel-temporel qām en arabe syrien », Proceedings of the 5th   Conference of AIDA, Cadiz (2002), pp. 481-492, 2003.

- « De l’amour et la coquetterie en islam arabe médiéval. La perspective d’as-Suyūṭī » in Romano-Arabica, II, pp. 55-62, Bucharest: University of Bucharest, Center for Arab Studies, 2002. 

- « Valeurs discursives de ba’a en arabe du Caire », Proceedings of the 4th Conference of AIDA, Marrakech (2000), pp. 364-373, 2002.

- « L’expression roumaine “Ce sa facem? Asta e!”- reflexe de résignation orientale? »,  Romano-Arabica, no: 1 (New Series), pp. 47-54, University of Bucharest Press, 2001.

- « De vouloir à devoir en arabe syrien », Analele Universitatii Bucuresti, XLIX, pp. 109-120, Bucharest, 2000.

- « L’Exclamation chez Jubran Khalil Jubran. Une approche pragmatique », in Kalimat, publication of the University of Balamand (Lebanon), no. 3, pp.143-159, 1996. (Signed Rodica Buburuzan)

- « Significations des énoncés et actes de langage chez Ibn Fāris », in Nadia Anghelescu and Andrei Avram eds.,  Proceedings of the international Colloquium for Arab Linguistics, Bucharest (1994), Tome I, pp. 103-114, University of Bucharest Press, 1995. (Signed Rodica Buburuzan)

- « Exclamation et actes de langage chez Sibawayhi », Revue Roumaine de Linguistique, Tome 38,  no: 5, pp. 421-437, 1993. (Signed Rodica Buburuzan)

In press:

- “Miel et coloquinte ou l’alchimie des saveurs: Ta’abbata Sharran dans la version de Pierre Larcher” in the Festschrift for Pierre Larcher, Publications de la Maison de l’Orient et de la Mediterranee Jean Puoilloux, Universite Lumiere Lyons 2  - CNRS, France (to be published in  April 2014).

Book reviews

-  « Larcher Pierre, Le brigand et l'amant. Deux poèmes préislamiques de Ta’abbata Sharran et Imru’ al-Qays, traduits de l'arabe et commentés, suivis des adaptations de Goethe et d'Armand Robin et de deux études sur celles-ci. Actes Sud/Sindbad, 2012, 154 p.  », Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée [En ligne], Lectures inédites, mis en ligne le 09 avril 2013. URL :

- « LARCHER Pierre : Les Mu’allaqat ou Les sept poèmes préislamiques, traduits de l’arabe, avec Introduction et notes ; préface d’André Miquel, Éditions “Fata Morgana”, 136 p. », Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée no. 91-94,  pp. 420-424, Aix-en-Provence (France), 2000.


Translations from French, book and chapter in book

- Franco Zeffirelli: Iisus. Translation from French into Romanian of the French version Jésus de Nazareth (Editions Pierre Belfond, 1978). Bucharest: Orizonturi, 1992 (156 p.).

- Azzeddine Guellouze: “Islamul” (Islam), Romanian version of the Chapter « L’Islame » of the book « Le fait religieux » (coord. Jean Delumeau, Librairie Arthème Fayard, 1993), in the volume “Religiile lumii“ (The World's Religions), pp. 251-334, Bucharest: Humanitas, 1996. (Signed Rodica Buburuzan)

Other publications and translations

- "Al-ibtisāma ta‘buru l-muhīt" (The Smile Traverses the Ocean), reflection upon the Egyptian revolution (2011) and the Egyptian night organized in Halifax by the Maritime Egyptian Society (19 February 20011), in Arabic, in Išraqāt ‘Aštarūt (literary Lebanese magazine), no. 53-54, p. 62, May 2011

- Izzat el-Qamhawi: "Privirea lui" (His gaze, Nazratu-hu), short prose translated from Arabic into Romanian, in Luceafarul, no. 42 (341), 1997 (Signed Rodica Buburuzan)

- Izzat el-Qamhawi: "Privelisti din Orasul Desfatarii" (Views from the City of Pleasure), excerpts from the novel Madinat al-ladhdha, in Luceafarul, no. 33 (332), pp. 20-21, 1997 (Signed Rodica Buburuzan)

- Gamal el-Ghitani: "Toleranta in topografia orasului Cairo" (The Tolerance in the topography of Cairo), excerpts from the book Qahiriyyat mamlukiyya (Cairo in the time of Mamluks) in in Egypt-Romania, nouazeci de ani de relatii diplomatice (Egypt-Romania, Ninety Years of Diplomatic Relations), pp. 69-75, Bucharest: Crater, 1997 (Signed Rodica Buburuzan). 

- Gamal el-Ghitani: "Extaz" (Ecstasy, An-Nashwa), short prose translated into Romanian, in Luceafarul, no. 45 (256), 1996 (Signed Rodica Buburuzan)

 - Salah Abd es-Sabour: “Calator in noapte (comedie neagra)" (Traveller into the Night. Black Comedy), Romanian version of the theatre play  “Musafiru layl”, in Secolul 20, no. 4-5-6, pp. 229-253, 1995 (Signed Rodica Buburuzan)

- Salah Abd es-Sabour: "Cantec de dragoste" (Love song), "Lucrul cel trist" (the Sad Thing), "Oamenii in tara mea" (People in my country). Poetry translated into Romanian, in Secolul 20, no. 4-5-6, pp. 221-225, 1995 (Signed Rodica Buburuzan)

- Salah Abd es-Sabour: "Eseuri" (Essays) in Secolul 20, no. 4-5-6, pp. 213-220, 1995 (Signed Rodica Buburuzan)

 - Denis de Rougemont: « Scrisoare deschisa catre Europeni » (original title in French: « Lettre ouverte aux Européens », Editions Albin Michel, 1970), Romanian version (Chapters I-IX), in Euchronia Magazine, no. I and II, 1992.

- other translations from the Arabic prose and poetry (Gamal el-Ghitani, Ezzat el-Kamhawi, Salah Abd es-Sabour, Ahmad al-Shahawi, etc) in Romanian literary Magazines; Romanian poetry and prose (Lucian Blaga, Cezar Ivanescu) in ’Akhbar al-Adab Magazine, Cairo, 1995-1999.