Arabic on the Web

Open House Ahmed Coffee (2)

al Maktabah
The best site offering info & links to almost all you could be searching related to
Arabic; created and updated by our former student, Sean Swanick.


Online Arabic Tutorial
Arabic with English Alphabets
Arabic Tutorial for Non Native Speakers
Online Arabic Tutorial Lessons
Conjugation of Arabic Verbs/Roots

Dictionaries & Translation

Google Translation: English/Arabic and Arabic/English

Babylon Online Dictionary


American University of Beirut
University of Balamand
Cairo University
The University of Jordan
King Saud University

Study Abroad

Note: There is no established "study Arabic abroad program" at Dal! Students who want to study abroad or take summer classes/immersion in Arab countries do so on their own, entire responsibility. The schools listed below are for orientation only.
University of Jordan - Language Center

Center for International Learning, Oman
Jordan Language Academy Specializing in Teaching Arabic as a Second Language

Cultural Sites

Umm Koulthoum
Classic Arabic Music
Portal Qantara
Portal Al-Bab

For more Arabic website links, please e-mail Dr Firanescu