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Update on NSERC Alliance grants

Posted by Jaq-Lin Larder on March 23, 2020 in Announcements

In light of recent developments related to COVID-19 and the closure of many institutions, all Alliance information webinars and workshops that were already scheduled will be postponed until further notice. NSERC will keep the community informed as new information becomes available. 

In the meantime, NSERC is pleased to offer several new tools that are now available on the Alliance Resources webpage to further help applicants prepare an application. NSERC invites you to familiarize yourself with these tools and share with other relevant parties within your institution. 

Collaborative Research and Development (CRD) grant application review now complete

NSERC would like to thank all applicants for their ongoing patience over the last few months as it navigated through a record number of CRD application evaluations. All applications have now been evaluated and applicants are being informed of the funding decisions. 

While NSERC made its best effort to fund as many applications as possible, this unprecedented demand resulted in lower success rates compared to previous years, as NSERC continued to operate within the same budget. NSERC thanks the community for their patience and understanding with this unique circumstance.

If you have any questions or comments about Alliance grants please contact and sign up on the Alliance webpage to be added to the mailing list so you can stay up to date on the latest information.