Scott Comber
University Teaching Fellow
Related Information
Phone: 902-494-7820
Fax: 902-494-1107
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- Healthcare systems (front-line ownership, emergency departments)
- Scholarship of teaching and learning – management education
- Leadership development (physicians)
- PhD (Fielding)
- MA (Fielding)
- MBA (Central Florida)
- BEDS (Dalhousie)
Research Interests
Dr. Comber's research interests include healthcare systems (physician leadership and system complexity) and the scholarship of teaching and learning (management education).
Selected Awards and Honours
- 2019 Dalhousie's Early Career Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching
- 2019 SSHRC Partnership Grant, Co-Principal Investigator: "Scaling up trauma and violence informed outreach with women affected by violence" ($2,499,946)
- 2016 CIHR Project Grant, Co-investigator: "Promoting equity for indigenous and non-indigenous people in emergency rooms" ($1,662,789)
- 2016 Dalhousie's Educational Leadership Award for Collaborative Teaching
- 2015 Faculty of Management Teaching Excellence Award
Selected Publications
- Understanding burnout to build resilience: A qualitative study of an interprofessional ICU team. Hancock, J., Witter, T., Comber, S., Daley, P., Thompson, K., Candow, S. et al. Canadian Journal of Anesthesia, 67(11), 1541-1548 (2020)
- Emergency department access and flow: Complex systems need complex approaches. Petrie, D.A. & Comber, S. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 26(5), 1552-1558 (2020)
- Competencies physicians need to lead – A Canadian case. Comber, S., Crawford, K.C., & Wilson, L. Leadership in Health Services, 31(2) (2018)
- Instructors' perceptions of networked learning and analytics. Comber, S., Durier-Copp, M., & Gruzd, A. Canadian Journal of Learning & Technology, 44(3) (2018)
- Developing Canadian physicians: The quest for leadership effectiveness Comber, S. Leadership in Health Services (special edition on medical leadership), 29(3), 282-299 (2016)
Current Teaching
- COMM 3309 Management Skills
- MGMT 3320 Organizational Theory
- MGMT 5000 Management Without Borders
- BUSI 5003 Personal & Professional Effectiveness