

Recent books

  • Graham, J.E., Holmes, C.P., McDonald, F., and Darnell, R. (eds). (2021). The Social Life of Standards: Ethnographic Methods for Local Engagement. UBC Press. Available here.
  • Fierlbeck, K. Graham, J.E., and Herder, M. (eds). (2021). Transparency, Power, and Influence in the Pharmaceutical Industry: Policy Gain or Confidence Game? The University of Toronto Press. Available here.

NOTE: If there is a specific article or book chapter you wish to access, please contact our Research Team directly.

Technoscience and regulation unit publications; TRRU


Publications by year


Kholina, K., Harmon, S. H. E., & Graham, J. E. (2022). An equitable vaccine delivery system: Lessons from the COVID-19 vaccine rollout in Canada. PLOS ONE17(12), e0279929.

Xu, W. W., Tshimula, J. M., Dubé, È., Graham, J. E., Greyson, D., MacDonald, N. E., & Meyer, S. B. (2022). Unmasking the Twitter Discourses on Masks During the COVID-19 Pandemic: User Cluster–Based BERT Topic Modeling Approach. Jmir Infodemiology2(2), e41198.

Aylsworth, L., Manca, T.A., Labbé, F., Driedger, S.M., Benzies,K.,  MacDonald, N.E., Graham, J.E., MacDonald S.E., on behalf of the Canadian Immunization Research Network (CIRN) investigators. (2022). A qualitative investigation of facilitators and barriers to accessing COVID-19 vaccines among Racialized and Indigenous Peoples in Canada. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 18 (7).

Lowe, M., Harmon, S., Kholina, K., Parker, R. & Graham, J. (2022). Public Health Communication in Canada during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Canadian Journal of Public Health.

Harmon, S. H. (2022). Vaccine Injury Compensation and Support Programs: A Values-Based Justification and Structure. Health Law in Canada Journal. 

Pringle, W., Greyson, D., Graham, J. E., Dubé, È., Mitchell, H., Trottier, M. È., Berman, R., Russell, M. L., MacDonald, S. E., & Bettinger, J. A. (2022). Suitable but requiring support: How the midwifery model of care offers opportunities to counsel the vaccine hesitant pregnant population. Vaccine, S0264-410X(22)00953-7. Advance online publication.

Dube, E., MacDonald, S.E., Manca, T., Bettinger, J.A., Driedger, S.M., Graham, J., Greyson, D., MacDonald, N.E., Meyer, S.B., Roch, G., Vivion, M., Aylsworth, L., Witteman, H., Gélinas-Gascon, F., Marques Sathler Guimaraes, L., Hakim, H., Gagnon, D., Béchard, B., Gramaccia, J.A., Khoury, R., Tremblay, S. (2022) Understanding the influence of online information, misinformation, disinformation and reinformation on COVID-19 vaccine acceptance. [Preprint].

Steenbeek A., Curran J., Gallant A., MacDonald N., & Graham J. (2022). Nova Scotia Strong: Why communities joined to embrace COVID-19 public health measures. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 

Pringle, W., Greyson, D., Graham, J. E., Berman, R., Dubé, È., Bettinger, J. (2022). ’Ultimately, the choice is theirs’: Informed Choice Vaccine Conversations and Canadian Midwives. Birth

Dubé, E., Labbé, F., Malo, B., Manca, T., Aylsworth, L., Driedger, S. M., Graham, J., Greyson, D., MacDonald, N., Meyer, S. B., Parsons Leigh, J., Sadarangani, M., Wilson, S., & MacDonald, S. E. (2022). "I don't think there's a point for me to discuss it with my patients": exploring health care providers' views and behaviours regarding COVID-19 vaccination. Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics, 2088970. Advance online publication. 

Harmon, S. H. (2022). The immunization of children in family break-down: Questionable evidence and conceptual shortcomings in A.P. v L.K. Medical Law International.

Manca, T. A., Top, K. A., Weagle, K., & Graham, J. E. (2022). Deferring Risk: Limitations to the Evidence in Product Labels for Vaccine Use in Pregnancy. Journal of women's health. Advance online publication.

Bardosh, K., de Figueiredo, A., Gur-Arie, R., Jamrozik, E., Doidge, J., Lemmens, T., Keshavjee, S., Graham, J. E., & Baral, S. (2022). The unintended consequences of COVID-19 vaccine policy: why mandates, passports and restrictions may cause more harm than good. BMJ global health7(5), e008684.

Labbé, F., Pelletier, C., Bettinger, J. A., Curran, J., Graham, J. E., Greyson, D., MacDonald, N. E., Meyer, S. B., Steenbeek, A., Xu, W., & Dubé, È. (2022). Stigma and blame related to COVID-19 pandemic: A case-study of editorial cartoons in Canada. Social science & medicine (1982)296, 114803.

Vivion, M., Anassour Laouan Sidi, E., Betsch, C., Dionne, M., Dubé, E., Driedger, S. M., Gagnon, D., Graham, J., Greyson, D., Hamel, D., Lewandowsky, S., MacDonald, N., Malo, B., Meyer, S. B., Schmid, P., Steenbeek, A., van der Linden, S., Verger, P., Witteman, H. O., & Yesilada, M. (2022). Prebunking messaging to inoculate against COVID-19 vaccine misinformation: An effective strategy for public health. Journal of Communication in Healthcare, 1–11. 



Harmon, S. H. E., Faour, D. E., MacDonald, N. E. (2021). Mandatory immunization and vaccine injury support programs: A survey of 28 GNN countries. Vaccine, 39, 7153–7157.

MacDonald, N.E., Dube, E, Graham, J.E. (2021). How Government Policies and Political Ideologies Impact Vaccine Acceptance: COVID-19 and Beyond. CanVax. Available here.

Graham, J. (2021). Anthropologists Answer Four Questions about the Pandemic. American Anthropologist123(2), 407–407.

Eren Vural, I., Herder, M., & Graham, J. E. (2021). From sandbox to pandemic: Agile reform of Canadian drug regulation. Health Policy125(9), 1115–1120.

McDonald, N., Harmon, S., Graham, J.E. (2021). An Ethics Check Up of Public Health Immunization Programs in Canada.  CCDR 47-4: COVID-19: A Year Later. Available here.

MacDonald, N., Comeau, J., Dubé, È., Graham, J., Greenwood, M., Harmon, S., McElhaney,  J., McMurty, C. M., Middleton, A., Steenbeek, A., Taddio, A. (2021). Enhancing COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance in Canada. Royal Society of Canada. Available here.

David, P.-M., Mathiot, B., Thiongane, O., & Graham, J. E. (2021). Under consent: Participation of people with HIV in an Ebola vaccine trial in Canada. BMC Medical Ethics22(1), 42.

Kochhar, S., Dubé, E., Graham, J., Jee, Y., Memish, Z. A., Menning, L., Nohynek, H., Salmon, D., Top, K. A., & MacDonald, N. E. (2021). COVID-19 vaccine safety questions and answers for healthcare providers (CONSIDER). Vaccine39(18), 2504–2505.


Edmonds, S., MacGregor, A., Doll, A., Vural, I. E., Graham, J., Fierlbeck, K., Lexchin, J., Doshi, P., & Herder, M. (2020). Transparency too little, too late? Why and how Health Canada should make clinical data and regulatory decision-making open to scrutiny in the face of COVID-19. Journal of Law and the Biosciences7(1).

Lexchin, J., Graham, J., Herder, M., Jefferson, T., & Lemmens, T. (2021). Regulators, Pivotal Clinical Trials, and Drug Regulation in the Age of COVID-19. International Journal of Health Services51(1), 5–13.

MacDonald, N. E., Comeau, J., Dubé, E., Bucci, L., & Graham, J. E. (2020). A public health timeline to prepare for COVID-19 vaccines in Canada. Canadian Journal of Public Health111(6), 945–952.

Harmon, S. H. E., Faour, D. E., MacDonald, N. E., Graham, J. E., Steffen, C., Henaff, L., & Shendale, S. (2020). Immunization governance: Mandatory immunization in 28 Global NITAG Network countries. Vaccine38(46), 7258–7267.

Filice, E., Dubé, E., Graham, J. E., MacDonald, N. E., Bettinger, J. A., Greyson, D., MacDonald, S., Driedger, S. M., Kawchuk, G., & Meyer, S. B. (2020). Vaccination discourses among chiropractors, naturopaths and homeopaths: A qualitative content analysis of academic literature and Canadian organizational webpages. PLOS ONE15(8), e0236691.

MacDonald, N.E., Dubé, E., Greyson, D., Graham, J.E. (2020). Beware the public opinion survey’s contribution to misinformation and disinformation in the COVID-19 pandemic. CCDR 46; 7/8-July 2, 2020. Mandatory childhood immunization programs. Available here.

Mijović, H., Greyson, D., Gemmell, E., Trottier, M.-È., Vivion, M., Graham, J. E., Dubé, È., & Bettinger, J. A. (2020). Perinatal health care providers’ approaches to recommending and providing pertussis vaccination in pregnancy: A qualitative study. Canadian Medical Association Open Access Journal8(2), E377–E382.

Herder, M., Graham, J. E., & Gold, R. (2020). From discovery to delivery: Public sector development of the rVSV-ZEBOV Ebola vaccine. Journal of Law and the Biosciences7(1).

Harmon, S. H. E., Faour, D., MacDonald, N. E., Graham, J., Steffen, C., Henaff, L., & Shendale, S. (2020). Strengthening vaccination frameworks: Findings of a study on the legal foundations of National Immunization Technical Advisory Groups (NITAGs). Vaccine38(4), 840–846.

Top, K. A., Esteghamati, A., Kervin, M., Henaff, L., Graham, J. E., & MacDonald, N. E. (2020). Governing off-label vaccine use: An environmental scan of the Global National Immunization Technical Advisory Group Network. Vaccine38(5), 1089–1095.


Manca, T. A., Graham, J. E., Dubé, È., Kervin, M., Castillo, E., Crowcroft, N. S., Fell, D. B., Hadskis, M., Mannerfeldt, J. M., Greyson, D., MacDonald, N. E., & Top, K. A. (2019). Developing product label information to support evidence-informed use of vaccines in pregnancy. Vaccine37(48), 7138–7146.

McDonald, F., Holmes, C., Jones, M., & Graham, J.E. (2019). How do postgenomic innovations emerge? Building legitimacy by proteomics standards and informing the next-generation technology policy. OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology, 23(8).  

Graham, J. E. (2019). Ebola vaccine innovation: a case study of pseudoscapes in global health. Critical Public Health, 29(4), 401-412.

Ryan M.J., Giles-Vernick T., Graham J.E. (2019). Technologies of trust in epidemic response: openness, reflexivity and accountability during the 2014–2016 Ebola outbreak in West Africa. BMJ Global Health, 4(e001272). DOI:10.1136/ bmjgh-2018-001272.

Cattapan, A., Browne, K., Halperin, D.M., Di Castri, A., Fullsack, P., Graham, J., Langley, J.M., Taylor, B.A., McNeil, S.A., & Halperin, S.A. (2019). Motivation for participating in phase 1 vaccine trials: Comparison of an influenza and an Ebola randomized controlled trial. Vaccine, 37(2): 289 ‑ 295.


MacDonald, N.E., Harmon, S., Dubé, E., Taylor, B., Steenbeek, A., Crowcroft, N., Graham, J. E. (2018). Is physician dismissal of vaccine refusers an acceptable practice in Canada? A 2018 overview. Paediatrics & Child Health. Published online October 1, 2018. doi:10.1093/pch/pxy116 Full text available here

Graham, J.E., Lees, S., Le Marcis F., Faye, S., Ronse, M., Lorway, R., Abramowitz, S., Peeters Grietens, K.  (2018). Prepared for the “unexpected”? Lessons from the 2014-16 Ebola epidemic in West Africa on integrating emergent theory designs into outbreak response. Commentary. BMJ Global Health, 3(e000990) 1-3. DOI: 10.1136/bmjgh-2018-000990. Full text available here

Top, K., Arkell, C., Graham, J.E., Scott, H, McNeil, S., Mannerfeldt, J., MacDonald N. (2018). Do healthcare providers trust product monograph information regarding use of vaccines in pregnancy? A qualitative study. Canada Communicable Disease Report, 44(6), 134-138. Full text available here


Thiongane, O., Graham, J. E., & Broutin, H. (2017). Leurs et Leurres de la santé globale. À propos de MenAfriVac®, un vaccin <<africain>> contre la méningite. Jean-Philippe Venot, ed. Anthropologie et développement. Revue de ‘’APAD. No. 46-47/2017 Full text available here


Holmes C, McDonald F, Jones M, Graham JE. (2016). Knowledge Translation: Moving Proteomics Science to Innovation in Society. Clinical OMICs: Molecular Diagnostics in Personalized Medicine 3 (8): 12-15  

Holmes C, McDonald F, Jones M, Graham JE. (2016). Knowledge Translation: Moving Proteomics Science to Innovation in Society. OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology 20 (6) DOI: 10.1089/omi.2016.0032  

Dubé E, Gagnon D, Ouakki M, Bettinger JA, Guay M, Halperin S, Wilson K, Graham JE, Witteman HO, MacDonald S, Fisher W, Monnais L, Tran D, Gagneur A, Guichon J, Saini V, Heffernan JM, Meyer S, Driedger MS, Greenberg J, MacDougall H. (2016). Understanding Vaccine Hesitancy in Canada: Results of a consultation with key stakeholders done by the Canadian Immunization Research Network. PLOS One. Published June 3, 2016.

Graham JE (2016). Ambiguous Capture: Collaborative Capitalism and the Meningitis Vaccine Project. Medical Anthropology: Cross-cultural studies in health and illness, 35 (5).

Holmes C, Carlson S, McDonald F, Jones M, & Graham JE (2016). Exploring the post-genomic world: Differing explanatory and manipulatory functions of post-genomic sciences. New Genetics and Society. 35 (1): 49-68

Graham JE & Jones M (2016). Just Evidence: Opening Health Knowledge to a Parliament of Evidence. In Science, Information, and Policy Interface for Effective Coastal and Ocean Management. In B.H. MacDonald, S.S. Soomai, E.M. De Santo, & P.G. Wells (Eds.), Science, Information, and Policy Interface for Effective Coastal and Ocean Management (Ch. 14). Boca Raton, Florida, United States: CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group. Request full-text from authors


Herder M, Gibson E, Graham JE, Lexchin J, & Mintzes B (2014). Regulating prescription drugs for patient safety: Does Bill C-17 go far enough? CMAJ, 2014 May 13;186(8):E287-92.

Hurlimann T, Menuz V, Graham JE, Robitaille J, Vohl M-C & Godard B (2014). Risks of nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics? What the scientists say. Genes & Nutrition, 9(1):370


Graham JE & Nuttall R (2013). Faster access to new drugs: Fault lines between Health Canada’s regulatory intent and Industry innovation practices. Ethics in Biology, Engineering & Medicine – An International Journal, 4(3):231-239.

Bravo G, Wildeman SM, Dubois MF, Kim SYH, Cohen CA, Graham JE, & Painter K (2013). Substitute consent practices in the face of uncertainty: A survey of Canadian researchers in aging. International Psychogeriatrics, 25;11:1821-1830.

Bravo G, Kim SYH, Dubois MF, Cohen CA, Wildeman S, & Graham JE (2013). Surrogate consent for dementia research: Factors influencing five stakeholder groups from the SCORES Study. [PDF-8.7MB] IRB: Ethics & Human Research, 35;4:1-11.


Graham, JE, Borda-Rodriguez, A, Huzair, F & Zinck, E (2012). Capacity for a Global Vaccine Safety System: the perspective of national regulatory authorities. Vaccine, 30(3): 4953-4959.

Wildeman, S, Bravo, G, Dubois M-F, Cohen C, Graham JE, Painter K & Bellemare S (2012). Substitute decision making about research: Identifying the legally authorized representative in four Canadian provinces. McGill Journal of Law and Health 6 (1): 189-274.  

Doroshenko A, Halperin SA, MacDonald N, Hatchett J, Graham JE (2012). Challenges to immunization: The Experience of Homeless Youth. BioMed Central (BMC) Public Health. Accepted, In press. doi:10.1186/1471-2458-12-338

Mishra A & Graham JE (2012).  Risk, choice and the ‘girl’ vaccine: Unpacking HPV Immunization. Health, Risk & Society. Vol 14(1): 57-69.


Graham, JE, Borda-Rodriguez A, & Huzair F. WHO Global Vaccine Safety Blueprint Project. Activity 1.3. Survey of Regulators, March 2011.

Graham, JE & Mishra A (2011). Global challenges of implementing human papillomavirus vaccines [PDF].  International Journal for Equity in Health, 10,1,27.

Graham, JE, Adelson N, Fortin S, Bibeau G, Lock M, Hyde S, Macdonald ME, Olazabal I, Stephenson P, & Waldram J (2011). The end of medical anthropology in Canada?  A manifesto. University Affairs.

Dubois M-F, Bravo G, Graham JE, Wildeman S, Cohen CA, Painter K, & Bellemare S (2011). "Comfort with proxy consent to research involving decisionally-impaired older adults: do type of proxy and risk-benefit profile matter?" International Psychogeriatrics, 23, 9, 1479-1488. 

Dugas M & Graham, JE
 (2011). Is consent for research genuinely informed? Using decision aid tools to obtain informed consent in the Global South. Journal of Global Ethics, 7:3, 349-359.

Bravo G, Dubois M-F, Cohen CA, Wildeman S, Graham JE, Painter K, & Bellemare S2011). Are Canadians providing advance directives about health care and research participation in the event of decisional incapacity? Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 56, 4, 209-218.

Dubois M-F, Bravo G, Graham JE, Wildeman S, & Cohen C (2011). Multilevel modeling for estimating effects of type of proxy and risk-benefit profile on comfort with substitute consent in dementia research [PDF]. Third North American Congress of Epidemiology, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. June 21-24, 2011.

Graham JE (2011). All Hands on Deck: Regulating the risk of emerging biotechnologies. International Journal of Medical Implants and Devices, 5, 1, 4.

Mishra A (2011). Implementing HPV Vaccines: Public Knowledge, Attitudes, and the Need for Education. International Quarterly for Community Health Education. 2010-2011; 31(1):71-98.

2000 - 2010

Graham JE, & Stephenson, P (Eds.). (2010). Contesting Aging and Loss. Toronto: The University of Toronto Press.

Graham JE (2010). The Experience of Loss and the Range of Contestation. In Janice E. Graham and Peter H. Stephenson (eds.) Contesting Aging and Loss. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. IX-XVII. 

Graham JE (2010). The Science, Politics and Everyday Life of Recognizing Effective Treatments for Dementia. In Janice E. Graham and Peter H. Stephenson (eds.) Contesting Aging and Loss. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. 153-173.

Graham JE (2010). “Them” are “Us”: Building Appropriate Policies from Fieldwork to Practice. In Janice E. Graham and Peter H. Stephenson (eds.) Contesting Aging and Loss. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. 177-190.

Holmes C & Stephenson PH (2010). "Dignity and Loss: implications for senior's health in hospitalization narratives" pp103-122 in Contesting Aging and Loss, Peter Stephenson and Janice Graham (Ed.). University of Toronto Press: Toronto.

Graham JE et Jones M (2010). Rendre evident : une approche symetrique de la réglementation des produits thérapeutiques [PDF].  (Determining evidence: a symmetrical approach to the regulation of therapeutic products.)  Sociologie et sociétiés, 42, 2, 157-184.

Bravo G, Dubois M-F, Wildeman SM., Graham JE, Cohen CA, Painter K, Bellemare S. (2010). Research with Decisionally Incapacitated Older Adults: Practices of Canadian Research Ethics Boards. IRB:  Ethics in Human Research, 32, 6, 1-8.

Holmes C, McDonald F, Jones M, Ozdemir V & Graham, JE (2010). Standardization and Omics Science: Technical and Social Dimensions are Inseparable and Demand Symmetrical Study. OMICS, 14, 3, 327-332.

Gina Bravo, Marie-France Dubois, Sheila Wildeman, Janice E. Graham, Carole Cohen, Karen Painter, Suzanne Bellemare. Requirements Imposed by IRBs to Research Involving Decisionally Incapacitated Older Adults.  Gerontological Society of America annual meeting, New Orleans, November 20, 2010.

Dubois M-F, Bravo G, Graham JE, Cohen CA, Wildeman SM.  Substitute consent for dementia research: opinions of older Canadians. 39th annual Scientific and Educational Meeting of the Canadian Association on Gerontology, Montréal, Canada, December 2-4, 2010.

Graham, Janice. Report on Technical Discussions on modernization strategy to the Office of Legislative and Regulatory Modernization, Policy, Planning and International Affairs Directorate, Health Products and Food Branch, Health Canada. October 2010.

Graham, Janice Naomi Adelson, Sylvie Fortin, Gilles Bibeau, Margaret Lock, Sandra Hyde, Mary Ellen Macdonald, Ignace Olazabal, Peter Stephenson, and James Waldram (2010). The End of Medical Anthropology. Cleaving “health” from the funding priorities of SSHRC. Will CIHR fund social scientists in Canada? [PDF]  Culture (The Canadian Anthropology Society Newsletter), 4(2):5-6.  (Including recommendations). 

Graham, Janice (2010) Message from the President. Canadian Anthropologists: Who are we? What are we doing [PDF] Culture (The Canadian Anthropology Society Newsletter) 2010; 4(2):1-2.


Graham, Janice E. (2009). Facilitating regulation: Technologies of efficacy and effectiveness for dementia drugs [PDF]. In: Jean Paul Gaudilliere and Volker Hess (eds.), Ways of Regulating: Therapeutic agents between plants, shops and consulting rooms. Max-Planck-Institut fur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin, pp 225-246.

Graham, Janice & Jones, Mavis (2009). Determining evidence in the assessment of health product risk. 7th Annual Canadian Cochrane Symposium: Wave to the Future: Navigating Health Connections among Systematic Reviews, Policies, and Practices. Poster. March 11-12, 2009.

Y.K. Paik, J.E. GrahamM. Jones, F. McDonald, C. Holmes, V. Ozdemir. Interview with Dr. Young-Ki Paik. (2009). President of the Human Proteome Organization (HUPO): Pharmacoproteomics and the Approaching Wave of ‘Proteomics Diagnostics’ [PDF],
Current Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine, 7, 4, 243-248.

Sanou, A., Simboro, S., Kouyate, B., Dugas, M., Graham, J., & Bibeau, G. (2009). Assessment of factors associated with complete immunization coverage in children ages 12-23 months: A cross sectional study in Nouna district, Burkina Faso. BMC International Health and Human Rights, 9, S10.

Jones, Mavis & Graham, Janice E. (2009). Multiple institutional rationalities in the implementation of new public policy: an ethnographic examination [PDF].  Science and Public Policy, 36, 6, 445-455.

Holmes, Christina & Graham, Janice E.(2009). Genetically Modified Organisms as Public Goods: Plant Biotechnology Transfer in Colombia [PDF]. Culture & Agriculture, 31, 1, 26-38.

Batt, S. and A. Lippman. Preventing Disease: Are Pills the Answer? In Anne Rochon Ford and Diane Saibil (eds.) Push to prescribe: Women and Canadian drug policy. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press (September 2009).

Batt, S.  Who pays the piper? Industry funding of patients' groups. In Anne Rochon Ford and Diane Saibil (eds.) Push to prescribe: Women and Canadian drug policy. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press (September 2009).

Batt, S. Full circle: drugs, the environment and our health. In Anne Rochon Ford and Diane Saibil (eds.) Push to prescribe: Women and Canadian drug policy. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press (September 2009).

Batt, SReview of Not Done Yet: Living Through Breast Cancer, by Laurie Kingston. Women's Press. CMAJ, August 10, 2009.

M. Dugas, E. Dubé, B. Kouyaté et G. Bibeau. (2009). Portrait of a lengthy vaccination trajectory in Burkina Faso: From cultural acceptance of vaccines to actual immunization. BMC International Health and Human Rights, 9(Suppl 1): S9. [Free pdf, © 2009 Dugas et al.]

M. Dugas, E. Dubé et G. Bibeau (2009). Translating malaria by sumaya: Justified convention or inappropriateness? Anthropology & Medicine, 16(3), 307-318.

Jones, M. & Salter, B. (2009). Learning to regulate: Values, actors, and instruments
in developing Canada's assisted human reproduction framework. Manuscript submitted for publication.

Jones, M. & Salter, B. (2009). Proceeding carefully: assisted human reproduction policy in Canada. Public Understanding of Science. doi:10.1177/0963662509104722.

Turnpenny, J. Lorenzoni, I. and Jones, M. (2009).Noisy and definitely not normal: Responding to wicked issues in the environment, energy and healthEnvironmental Science & Policy, 12(3), 347-358.

Mishra, A. (2009). ‘The place and Space of Research Work: Studying Control in a Bioscience Laboratory’, in (Eds.) Wahlberg, A., Bauer, S. Contested Categories, Aldershot: Ashgate. (pp 155-180)

Mishra, A. (2009). ‘From the Pap Smear to Bethesda 2001: The Making of a Diagnostic Lexicon’ in (Eds) Bamme, A. and Wieser, B. Jahrbuch IAS-STS, München, Wien: Profil Verlag. (pp 105-128)


Ozdemir, V., Graham, Janice E., Godard, B. (2008). Race as a variable in Pharmacogenomics Science: From empirical ethics to publication standards. Pharmacogenetics and Genomics, 18, 837-841.

Graham, Janice E. (2008). Facilitating regulation: the dance of statistical significance and clinical meaningfulness in standardizing technologies for dementia. BioSocieties, 3, 3, 241-263.

Graham, Janice (Chair) for the Expert Advisory Panel on the Special Access Programme, Health Canada. Report and Recommendations, September 2008.

Graham, Janice. Report to Nova Scotia Health Research Fund (NSHRF) Research Capacity Building Award on the Qualitative Research Software Series. 2008.

M. Dugas, E. Dubé, B. Kouyaté et G. Bibeau (2008). Enquête sur le transfert de connaissances concernant le paludisme par les professionnels de la santé aux consultants dans la région de Nouna au Burkina Faso. Cahiers d’études et de recherche francophones/Santé, 18(3) 149-154.

Holmes, Christina (2008). Seeds, Scientists & Genetically Modified Organisms: Genetic Engineering Practices and Global Connections. (PhD dissertation, Dalhousie University).

Holmes, Christina (2008). O fascínio dos cientistas colombianos pela engenharia genética de plantas. Sociologias, 19 (Jan.-Jun.): 40-61. (Portuguese/English translation: "The Lure of Plant Genetic Engineering for Colombian Scientists")

Huzair, F., and Robbins, P.T. Life Sciences Innovation in Central and Eastern Europe: conceptual frameworks and contributions. Studies in Ethics, Law and Technology, Vol 2, Issue 2, 2008.

Huzair, F. Innovative Potential in Hungarian Agricultural Biotechnology and the Evolution of Networks. Studies in Ethics, Law and Technology, Vol 2, Issue 2, 2008. Also published by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Economics Discussion Paper Series and the Innogen Working Paper Series, 2007.


Graham, Janice E. (2007) Inside out: from the test tube to the dinner table. Trust in Science: a five-part series exploring why we trust science. Public lecture, Halifax, January 23, 2007. Video and audio taped for distribution through public television network- CCEPA, and for Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) Ideas programme.

Rockwood, Kenneth, Sherri Fay, Mary Gorman, Daniel Carver, & Graham, Janice E. (2007). The clinical meaningfulness of ADAS-Cog changes in Alzheimer’s disease patients treated with donepezil in an open-label trial. BMC Neurology, 7, 26-36.

Bassett, Raewyn and Graham, Janice E. (2007). Memorabilities: enduring relationships, memories and abilities in dementia. Ageing & Society, 27, 4, 533-554.

Ozdemir, V., Williams-Jones, B., Graham, Janice E., Preskorn, S.H., Gripeos, D., Glatt, S.J., Friis, R.H., Reist, C., Szabo, S., Lohr, J., Someya, T. (2007). Asymmetry in scientific method and limits to cross-disciplinary dialogue: Towards a shared language and science policy in pharmacogenomics and human disease genetics. Journal of Investigative Medicine, 55, 3, 130-141.

Batt, S.  (2007). Limits on Autonomy: Political meta-narratives and health stories in the media, American Journal of Bioethics 7(8): 23-25.

Bravo, G, Wildeman SM, Cohen CA, Dubois MF, Graham JE, Painter K. Searching for the person legally authorized to give substitute consent for research purposes: preliminary work for the SCORE Study. 8th International Conference on Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases. Salzburg, Austria, March 14-18, 2007.

N. Chaillet, E. Dubé, M. Dugas, D. Francoeur, J. Dubé, S. Gagnon, L. Poitras & A. Dumont (2007). Identifying Barriers and Facilitators to Implement Guidelines for Reducing Cesarean Section Rate in Quebec. Bulletin de l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé, 85(10).

M. Dugas (2007). Rapport de recherche sur le terrain dans le district sanitaire de Nouna, Burkina Faso, Prise en charge préventive - curative du paludisme : articulations entre quatre espaces éducationnels d'acquisition de compétences, IDRC doctoral research award / Bourse du CRDI aux chercheurs candidats au doctorat, 1 mars 2005 - 1 mars 2006, 34 p. : ill.

Lorenzoni, I., Jones, M., and Turnpenny, J. (2007). Climate change, human genetics, and post-normality in the UKFutures, 39, 65-82.

Rogers-Hayden, T. and Jones, M. (2007). Public biotechnology inquiries: from rationality to reflexivity? In P. Glasner, P. Atkinson, H. Greenslade (Ed.), New genetics, new social formations (pp. 49-68). London: Routledge.

Jones, M. (2007). Section author: Psychosocial aspects of rhGH treatment for Turner Syndrome. Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH), Report on the use of recombinant human growth hormone for the treatment of Turner's syndrome.


Nemes, G., High, C., Huzair, F. Reflexive Agency and Multi-Level Governance: Mediating Integrated Rural Development in South Transdanubia. (2006) In: Cheshire, L. Higgins, V. Lawrence, G. (eds.) International Rural Governance: New Power Relations in Rural Economies and Societies. Routledge, 2006.

Graham, Janice E. & Bassett, Raewyn. (2006). Reciprocal Relations: The recognition and co-construction of caring with Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Aging Studies, 20, 4, 335-349.

Graham, Janice E. & Ritchie, Karen (2006). Mild Cognitive Impairment: ethical considerations for nosological flexibility in human kinds. Philosophy, Psychology and Psychiatry, 13, 2, 31- 43.

Graham, Janice E. (2006). Reifying Relevance in Mild Cognitive Impairment: An appeal for care and caution. Response to Commentaries. Philosophy, Psychology and Psychiatry, 13, 1, 57- 60.

Ozdemir, Vural; Eleni Aklillu, Steven Mee, Leif Bertilsson, Lawrence J. Albers, Graham, Janice E., Michael Caligiuri, James B. Lohr, Christopher Reist (2006). Pharmacogenetics for off-patent antipsychotics: Re-framing the risk for tardive dyskinesia and access to essential medicines. Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy, 7, 2, 119-133.

Graham, Janice E. (2006). Diagnosing Dementia: Epidemiological and clinical data as cultural text. In: Annette Leibing and Lawrence Cohen (eds.), Thinking about Dementia: Culture, loss and the anthropology of senility. New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, pp 80-105.

Bibeau, Gilles, Graham, Janice E. & Usher Fleising (2006). Bioscience and Biotechnology Under Ethnographic Surveillance: Where Do Canadian Medical Anthropologists Stand? In: Francine Saillant and Serge Genest (eds.) Medical Anthropology: Regional Perspectives and Shared Concerns. London: Blackwell., pp. 3-22.

Fugh-Berman, Adriane and Batt, S. (2006). This May Sting a Bit: Cutting CME’s Ties to Pharma. Virtual Mentor: Ethics Journal of the American Medical Association, 8(6): 412-415.

N. Chaillet, E. Dubé, M. Dugas, F. Audibert, C. Tourigny, C. Roy, W. Fraser, A. Dumont (2006). Evidence-based Strategies for Implementing Guidelines in Obstetrics: A Systematic Review. Obstet Gynecol, 108(5), 1234-1245.

Holmes, Christina (2006). GMOs in the Lab: Objects Without Everyday ControversyFocaal:The European Journal of Anthropology, 48: 35-48.

Jones, M., Walls, J., and Horlick-Jones, T. (2006). Separated at birth? Consensus and contention in the UK agriculture and human biotechnology commissions. Science and Public Policy, 33(10), 729-744.

Salter, B. and Jones, M. (2006). Change in the policy community of human genetics: A pragmatic approach to open governancePolicy and Politics, 34(2), 347-366.


Graham, Janice E. (2005). Smart Regulation: Will the government’s strategy work? Canadian Medical Association Journal, 173, 12, 1469-1470.

Ozdemir V, Kalow W, Tothfalusi L, Bertilsson L, Endrenyi L, Graham, Janice E. (2005). Multigenic control of drug response and regulatory decision-making in pharmacogenomics: the need for an upper bound estimate of genetic contributions. Current Pharmacogenomics, 3, 1, 53-71.

Whitehouse, Peter, Atwood Gaines, Heather Lindstrom, Graham, Janice E. (2005). Anthropological contributions to the understanding of age-related cognitive impairment. Lancet Neurology, 4, 5, 320-326.

Graham, Janice E. (2005). Qui s’occupe des réglementations? Les technologies émergentes et les “smart regulations.” [PDF] Agora.

Bibeau, Gilles, Graham, Janice E. & Usher Fleising (2005). Biosciences et biotechnologies sous surveillance ethnographique: Où se situent les anthroplogues médicaux canadiens? dans, Anthropologie médicale. Ancrages locaux, défis globaux. Éditeurs : Francine Saillant et Serge Genest. Québec/Paris: Les Presse de l'Université Laval/Anthropos (l’édition française), pp 23-59.

Bibeau, G., Some, F., Dugas, M., Sanou, A., Ye, M., and Kardougou, J.C. (2005). Rapport de recherche, Expérimentation d'une stratégie d'améclioration de la couverture vaccinale des enfants de 0 à 11 mois dans le district sanitaire de Nouna (Burkina Faso) Initiative canadienne d'immunisation internationale (ICII2), CRDI.

G. Bibeau, F. Some, M. Dugas, A. Sanou, M. Ye, J.-C. Kardougou (2005). Rapport de recherche, Expérimentation d’une stratégie d’amélioration de la couverture vaccinale des enfants de 0 à 11 mois dans le district sanitaire de Nouna (Burkina Faso) Initiative canadienne d’immunisation internationale (ICII2), CRDI.

Huzair, F. The Regulation of Agricultural Biotechnology in Poland and the Obstacles to EU Compliance. IKD Working Paper No' 4, 2005.

Salter, B. and Jones, M. (2005). Biobanks and bioethics: the politics of legitimation. Journal of European Public Policy, 12(4), 710-32.

Jones, M. (2005). Review of Martin W. Bauer and George Gaskell (Ed.), ‘Biotechnology: The making of a global controversy’. London: Science Museum, 2002. Journal of Risk Research, 8(5), 453-456.

Jones, M. (2005). What can one nation learn from another? Exploring policy choice in the new Canadian framework for assisted human reproduction. Invited commentary for, October 3.

Turnpenny, J.R.; Haxeltine, A.; Lorenzoni, I.; O’Riordan, T.; Jones, M. (2005) Mapping actors involved in climate change policy networks in the UK. Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, Working Paper 66


Graham, Janice. Report to Barb Benning. Anthropological Study of Regulatory Practices at BGTD. Preliminary Report on BGTD Fieldwork. October 2004.

Graham, Janice, Report on CIHR’s Commitment to Psychosocial Qualitative Research. Submitted to Seniors Psychosocial Interest Group towards developing a senior’s psychosocial research agenda in Canada. Canadian Invitational Symposium on Removing Barriers to the Use of Psychosocial Approaches to Support Seniors’ Mental Health, in
Practice, Policy and Research, 2004. (11 pages).

Jones, M. (2004). Policy legitimation, expert advice, and objectivity: “Opening” the UK governance framework for human genetics. Social Epistemology, 18(2-3), 247-270.


Williams-Jones, B & Graham, Janice E. (2003). Actor-network theory: a tool to support ethical analysis of commercial genetic testing. New Genetics and Society, 22, 3, 271-296.

Tuokko H, Frerichs R, Graham Janice E.,Rockwood K, Kristjansson B, Fisk J, Bergman H, Kozma A, McDowell I. (2003). Five Year Follow-up of Cognitive Impairment with No Dementia. Archives of Neurology, 60, 577-582.

Mitnitski AB, Mogilner AJ, Graham JE & Rockwood K (2003). Techniques for knowledge discovery in existing biomedical databases: estimation of individual aging effects in cognition in relation to dementia. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 56, 116-123.

Graham J. Creating Hope and Commodifying Disease: Redefining Dementia. International Psychogeriatrics 2003; 15, Suppl. 2:90-91.

Kasper, A and Batt, S. (2003). Arguing Breast Cancer: The Feminist Views of Two Women's Health Activists. Women, Health and Medicine: Transforming Perspectives and Practice. Women’s Studies Quarterly, Spring/Summer, Vol. XXXI.

Batt, S. Review of The Truth About Hormone Replacement Therapy, by the National Women’s Health Network, CMAJ, February 4, 2003.

Jones, M. and Salter B. (2003). The governance of human genetics: policy discourse and constructions of public trustNew Genetics and Society, 22(1), 21-41.


McDowell I, Hill G, Lindsay J, Kristjansson B, Helliwell B, Chappell N, Tuokko H, Beattie BL, Feldman H, Sadovnick D, Gutman G, Hogan DB, Bland R, McCracken P, Newman S, Dobbs A, D’Arcy C, Manfreda J, Montgomery P, Strain L, Ostbye T, Steenhuis R, Hachinski V, Chambers L, Raina P,Cohen C, Colantonio A, Marshall V, Snow G, Kozak J, Gauthier S, Wolfson C, Bergman H, Panisset M, Ska B, Kergoat MJ, Joanette Y, Hebert R, Verreault R, Durand P,  Morin J, Morin M, Bouchard R, Gauvreau D, Fortier I, Balram C, Rockwood K, Graham, Janice E., Fisk J, MacKnight C, Nilsson T, Pedlar D, Buehler S, Kozma A. (2002). Patterns and health effects of caring for people with dementia: The impact of changing cognitive and residential status.  Gerontologist, 42, 5, 643-652.

Rockwood K, Graham, Janice E., Fay S. (2002). Goal setting and attainment in patients with Alzheimer’s disease treated with donepezil. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 73, 500-507.

Mitnitski A, Graham, Janice E., Mogilner A, Rockwood K. (2002). Frailty, fitness and late-life mortality in relation to chronological and biological age. BMC Geriatrics, 2, 1-8.

Graham, Janice E. (2002).  Differentially diagnosing dementia: a triage of texts. In: Leibing A.,and Scheinkman, L. (eds.), The diversity of Alzheimer’s disease - different approaches and contexts. Rio de Janeiro: Edicoes IPUB/CUCA, Instituto de Psiquiatria, pp 95-112.

Rockwood K, Fay S, Graham, JE. Translating from Regulatory Measures to Patients’ Daily lives: An Analysis of Alzheimer’s Disease Treatment with Donepezil. Neurobiology of Aging, July/August, 23, 2002, S553-S554, Suppl. 1.

Graham, JE, Bassett R, Rockwood K, Fay S. Tracking Meaningful Change in Dementia: Measuring Treatment Effects from the patient, carer or physician’s toolkit. Neurobiology of Aging 2002; July/August 23, 1, S335, Suppl. 1.

Birt A, Rockwood K, Fay S, Graham, JE. Recovery of intention as a novel effect of treating Alzheimer’s Disease with Donepezil. Neurobiology of Aging, 2002, July/ August 23, 1, S595, Suppl. 1.

Graham, Janice, Bassett Raewyn. Defining the Expectations and Effects of Treatment with an Anti-Dementia Medication (Donepezil) in Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease (ACADIE) Final Report – Qualitative, for Pfizer Canada, Inc., 2002.

Batt, S. (2002). “Radical Ideas” review of The Breast Cancer Wars: hope, fear and the pursuit of a cure in twentieth-century America, by Barron H Lerner, CMAJ, May 14, 2002; 166(10).

Salter, B. and Jones, M. (2002). Human genetic technologies, European governance and the politics of bioethics. Nature Reviews Genetics, 3, 6-12.

Salter, B. and Jones, M. (2002). Regulating human genetics: the changing politics of biotechnology governance in the European UnionHealth, Risk and Society, 4(3), 325-340.


Graham, JE (2001). Harbinger of Hope or Commodity Fetishism: Re-cognizing Dementia in an Age of Therapeutic Agents. International Psychogeriatrics, 13, 2, 131-134.

Langille Donald, David MacKinnon, Emily Marshall & Graham, Janice E. (2001). So Many Bricks in the Wall: young women in Nova Scotia speak about barriers to school-based sexual health education. Sex Education, 1, 3, 245-257.

Rockwood K, Graham, JE, Fay S. Does treatment with donepezil meet the goals of patients with Alzheimer’s Disease, their caregivers, and physicians? Neurology 2001, April, 56, 8, A338-A338, Suppl. 3

Graham, Janice. Sufferer and Caregiver Strategies for living with Alzheimer’s Disease. Gerontology, 2001, 47, Suppl. 1, 104-105.

Graham, Janice. Dementia and personhood: Matters of the Heart and Mind. Gerontology, 2001; 47, Suppl. 1, 422-423. 

Graham, Janice. If Meaning Counted: Measuring E/Affect in Antidementia Therapies. Gerontology, 2001, 47, Suppl. 1, 572-573.

Graham, Janice. Review of: The Moral Challenge of Alzheimer Disease [PDF] (2nd edition) by Post SG. Metapsychology Online Review, 2001.

Graham, Janice, Rockwood, Ken. Defining the Expectations and Effects of Treatment with an Anti-Dementia Medication (Donepezil) in Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease (ACADIE) Final Report – Statistical, for Pfizer Canada, Inc., 2001.

Batt, S. “Social Disease” review of Breast Cancer: Society Shapes an Epidemic, edited by Anne S. Kasper and Susan Ferguson, The Women’s Review of Books, Vol. XVIII, No. 6/March 2001, p. 14.


Canadian Study of Health and Aging Working Group. McDowell I, Hill G, Lindsay, J, Helliwell B, Chappell N, et al. (2000). The incidence of dementia in Canada. Neurology, 55, 1, 66‑73.

Larrea FA, Fisk JD, Graham, Janice E., Stadnyk K. (2000). Prevalence of cognitive impairment and dementia as defined by neuropsychological test performance. Neuroepidemiology, 19, 121-129.

Joffres, Christine, Graham, Janice E., Rockwood Kenneth (2000). A qualitative analysis of the Clinician Interview-Based Impression of Change (Plus): Methodological Issues and Implications for Clinical research. International Psychogeriatrics, 12, 3, 401-15.

Graham, JE, Bassett, R, Stadnyk, K.  A Twist of the Prism: Family & Clinician Measures of Alzheimer’s Disease Treatment. 7th International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders, Washington, D.C., July 9-18, 2000.  Neurobiology of Aging, 2000, 21, 1S, S91.

Fay S, Stadnyk K, Graham, JE, Rockwood K. Detection of treatment responses in an anti-dementia drug trial using goal attainment scaling. 7th International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders, Washington, D.C. July 9-18, 2000.  Neurobiology of Aging, 2000, 21, 1S, S95.  

Bassett R, Fleury A, Graham, JE, Rockwood K. Defined Target Symptoms: Qualitatively Describing Treated Alzheimer’s Disease Progression. Neurobiology of Aging, 2000, May/June 21, 18, S123.

Graham, Janice. Review of: Taming Oblivion: Aging Bodies and the Fear of Senility in Japan by Traphagan JW. American Ethnologist 2000; 27(4):964-965.

Graham, Janice. AnthroMeth Consulting, Qualitative Methods Class 2000 Working Group. Culture, Community and Change: An Ethnographic Report of the Clinical Research & Teaching Unit, Vancouver Hospital & Health Sciences Centre, 2000.

Graham, Janice. AnthroMeth Consulting, Qualitative Methods Class 2000 Working Group. Culture, Community and Change: An Ethnographic Report Prior to the Relocation of the Discharge Planning Unit from the Heather Pavilion to the University of British Columbia Site, 2000.

Stephenson, P. and C. Holmes (2000). The Elders Listening Project: Elder Friendly Hospital Initiative of the Capital Health Region: Final Report. Victoria, BC.

Before 2000

Graham, Janice E., Mitnitski AB, Mogilner AJ, Rockwood K. (1999). The dynamics of cognitive aging: distinguishing functional age and disease from chronological age in a population. American Journal of Epidemiology, 150, 10, 1045‑54.      

MacKnight C, Graham, Janice E., Rockwood K. (1999).  Factors associated with inconsistent diagnosis of dementia between physicians and neuropsychologists. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 47, 1294-1299.  

Graham, Janice E., Agg M. (1999). Information management. In: Wilcock G, Bucks R, Rockwood K (eds). Diagnosis and Management of Dementia: a manual for memory disorders teams. Oxford University Press, 29-47.         

Mitnitski A, Graham, Janice E., Rockwood K. (1999).  Modeling decline in Alzheimer’s disease. International Psychogeriatrics, 11, 2, 211-216.

Mitnitski AB, Graham, Janice E., Mogilner AJ, Rockwood K. (1999). The rate of decline of functions in Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, 54A, M65-M69.

Rockwood K, Fay S, Stadnyk K, Graham, JE. Validity of goal attainment scaling to detect short-term treatment responses in an anti-dementia drug trial of donepezil. Ninth Congress of the International Psychogeriatrics Association, Vancouver, British Columbia, Aug 15-20, 1999. International Psychogeriatrics, 1999, 11, 129-130, Suppl. 1.

Graham, Janice, for the UBC Dementia Research Collaborative Working Group. Final Productivity Report, SSHRC/CIHR Tri-Council Workshop /Networking Program, Matters of the Heart and Mind: Negotiating and Assessing Personhood and Dignity among elderly Canadians with Dementia; File Number: 837-1999-1004.

Graham, Janice. AnthroMeth Consulting, Qualitative Methods Class 1999 Working Group. Recommendations to the Clinical Research & Teaching Unit, Vancouver Hospital & Health Sciences Centre, 1999

Langille D, Graham, JE, Marshall E. Developing Understanding From Young Women’s Experiences in Obtaining Sexual Health  Services and Education  in a Nova Scotia Community: Lessons for Educators, Physicians and Pharmacies. Maritime Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health, Health Canada, 1999

Rockwood K, Graham, JE. Interim Report (3 volumes). Defining the expectations and effects of treatment with an anti-dementia medication (donepezil) in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Pfizer Canada, Inc., 1999.

Graham, Janice. Final Report on Post-Doctoral Award #96-16. Alzheimer Society of Canada, 1998.

Graham, JE, Rockwood K. Defined Target Symptoms. Manual used in the COPE Study. Hoechst, Marion, Roussel, 1998.

Graham, JE, Rockwood K. Treatment Expectations for Alzheimer’s disease: The ACADIE study.  51st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Philadelphia, November 20-24, 1998. Gerontologist, 1998, 38, 1, 99.

Graham, JE, Rockwood K. Treatment Expectations: Physician, Patient and Caregiver Goals. 6th International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders, Amsterdam RAI, July 18-23, 1998. Neurobiology of Aging, 1998, 19, 4S, S253.

Winch S, Graham, JE, Rockwood K. Identifying the needs of Alzheimer’s families in the community using participatory action research. 6th International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders, Amsterdam RAI, July 18-23, 1998. Neurobiology of Aging, 1998, 19, 4S, S99.

Graham, Janice. Diagnosing Dementia: Signs, Symptoms and Meaning [PDF]. Ph.D. Thesis, Département d’anthropologie. Faculté des arts et des sciences. Université de Montréal, 1997.  Thesis Supervisors: Gilles Bibeau (Anthropology) and Denis Gauvreau (Pathology).

Graham, Janice E., Rockwood K, Beattie BL, Eastwood R, Gauthier S, Tuokko H, McDowell I. (1997). Prevalence and severity of cognitive impairment with and without dementia in an elderly population. Lancet, 349, 1793-96.

Nisker, J. and Jones, M. (1997). The ethics of sex selection. In F. Shenfield and C. Sureau (Ed.). Ethical dilemmas in assisted reproduction (pp. 41-50). New York: Parthenon.

Mitnitski AB, Graham, Janice E., Mogilner AJ, Rockwood K. (1997). Vector diagnostics in dementia derived from Bayes’ theorem. Health Canada/Santé Canada. CDIC (Chronic Diseases in Canada), 18, 4. CDIC Selected Reprint.

Mitnitski AB, Graham, Janice E., Mogilner AJ, Rockwood K.  (1997). Vector diagnostics in dementia derived from Bayes’ theorem. American Journal of Epidemiology, 146, 665-671.

Graham, JE, MacKnight CR, Rockwood K. Nothing’s wrong with Grandma: denial of cognitive impairment in family members. Gerontological Society of America, Cincinnati, Ohio, November 1997. Gerontologist, 1997, 37, 1, 19. 

MacKnight CR, Graham, JE, Rockwood K. Factors contributing to inconsistencies in diagnosis of cognitive impairment by physicians and neuropsychologists. Gerontological Society of America, Cincinnati Ohio, November 1997. Gerontologist, 1997, 37, 1, 15.

Graham, Janice E. (1996). Data, dementia and diagnosis: a triage of texts. Nova Scotia Centre on Aging, Mount Saint Vincent University and Faculty of Health Professions, Dalhousie University. Research into Healthy Aging: Challenges in Changing Times: an inter-disciplinary research conference (proceedings). Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, November 1996.

Graham, Janice E., Mitnitski AB, Mogilner AJ, Gauvreau D, Rockwood K. (1996). An algorithmic approach to the differential diagnosis of dementia. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 7, 324-330.

Graham, J.E., Mitnitski, A.B., Mogilner, A.J., Gauvreau, D., Rockwood, K. (1996). Symptoms and signs in dementia: synergy and antagonism.  Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 7, 331-335.

Graham, J.E., Rockwood K., Beattie B.L., McDowell I., Eastwood M.R., Gauthier S. (1996). Standardization of the Diagnosis of Dementia in the Canadian Study of Health and Aging.  Neuroepidemiology, 15, 246-256.

Batt, S. Patient No More: The Politics of Breast Cancer, Charlottetown: Gynergy Books, 1994. Published simultaneously in the UK, London: Scarlet Press. Australia and New Zealand edition, Melbourne: Spinifex, 1996. French translation: À bout de patience: les enjeux de la lute au cancer du sein, Montreal: Remue-ménage, 1998.

Graham, Janice E. & Stephenson P. (1992). Ethnography and the Study of Aging: A critical evaluation of ethnographic description, theory, data and metaphors in social gerontology. Santé, Culture, Health, 8, 1, 55-76. 

Graham, Janice. Clinical Examination Coding Manual and Documentation, Canadian Study Of Health and Aging, Dept. of Epidemiology, University of Ottawa, 1992.

Graham, Janice. Evaluation of Woman & Sport Program.  Prepared for Dept. of Recreation & Culture, City of Ottawa, 1992.

Graham, Janice. EBHC’s Occupational Therapy Program for Continuing-Care Elderly.  Report for Occupational Therapy Dept., Elisabeth Bruyere Health Centre, Ottawa, 1991.

Graham, Janice.  Study of the Health Care Needs of Centretown’s Homeless.  Prepared for the Strategic Planning Committee, Centretown Community Health Centre, Ottawa, 1991.

Elmslie, T.J., Wells, G., McDowell, I., Hollingsworth, G., Graham, J.E.  Study of Sexual Behaviour associated with HIV Infection among Women in a Primary Care Setting. NHRDP, Health and Welfare Canada, 1991.

Elmslie, T.J., Wells, G., Bernstein, R., Hall, P., Graham, J.E. Assessment of the Risk Factors and Prevalence of Endocervical Chlamydial Infection among Asymptomatic Women in a Family Practice Setting. Ontario Ministry of Health, 1990.

Graham, Janice E. (1988). Knowing the Cycle: Cognitive Control and Cree Death. In: Cowan W (ed). Papers of the Nineteenth Algonquian Conference. Ottawa: Carleton University Press, 81-88.

Graham, Janice. The Weenusk Cree: A Preliminary Background Report of Locals, Locations and Relocations, for Technology Assessment in Subarctic Ontario. TASO Research Report # 30. McMaster University, 1988. Library and Archives Canada.

Graham, Janice E. (1987). After the Flood: Relocation to the Promised Land. In: Cowan, W. (ed.). Papers of the Eighteenth Algonquian Conference. Ottawa: Carleton University Press, 137-145.

Graham, Janice. Friendship and Despair: Social Relations in a Long Term Care Facility in Victoria, B.C. M.A. Thesis, University of Victoria, 1982.  Thesis Supervisor: Peter Stephenson (Anthropology).