The pension provided under this Plan is based on a pre-determined formula that uses pensionable service, the average of the best three years of remuneration received by the member, and a multiplier. Your unreduced pension payable at your Normal Retirement Date if calculated as follows:
For Service up to December 31, 2023:
For service on and after January 1, 2024:
Years of service from Jan 1, 2024, multiplied by the sum of (a) 1.8% of the best 3 years’ average earnings up to the average YAMPE, and (b) 2% of the best 3 years' average earnings above the average YAMPE
The total pension you are entitled to receive at retirement is a combination of pension earned before and after January 1, 2024.
The pension plan provides full, unreduced pensions as early as the first of the month after you reach age 65. Early retirement pensions are available as early as the first day of the month after age 55; however, an early retirement reduction will be applied.
Note: Years of service are limited to 35, and the total pension payable is subject to limits set by the Income Tax Act.