Faculty Co‑op Advisors
Please select from the choices below:
Please select from the choices below:
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Dr. Hyo-Sung Ro hyo-sung.ro@dal.ca |
902-494-2367 | |
Biology | Mindy McCarville mindy.mccarville@dal.ca |
902-494-7072 | |
Chemistry | Dr. Marc Whalen marc.whalen@dal.ca |
Earth Sciences | Dr. Tarah Wright tarah.wright@dal.ca |
902-497-1831 | |
Economics | Dr. Christos Ntantamis christos.ntantamis@dal.ca |
902-494-3919 | |
Environmental Science | Dr. Tarah Wright tarah.wright@dal.ca |
902-497-1831 | |
Marine Biology | Dr. Jen Frail-Gauthier jfrail@dal.ca |
902-494-3818 | |
Mathematics & Statistics | Dr. Robert Milson Robert.Milson@dal.ca |
902-494-6366 | |
Microbiology and Immunology | Craig McCormick craig.mccormick@dal.ca |
902-494-4519 | |
Physics and Atmospheric Science | Dr. Chongyin Yang C.Yang@dal.ca |
902-494-3915 | |
Academic Director | Dr. Hugh MacIntyre hugh.macintyre@dal.ca |
902-494-2932 |
Applied Computer Science Computer Science |
Michael Goudreault undergrad@cs.dal.ca |
Master of Applied Computer Science (MACS) | Dr. Sukhchandan sk350901@dal.ca |
Master of Digital Innovation (MDI) | Dr. Vlado Keselj vlado@cs.dal.ca |
902-494-2893 |
Civil & Environmental Engineering | Dr. Lei Liu lei.liu@dal.ca |
902-494-3958 |
Mineral Engineering | Dr. Dmitry Garagash garagash@dal.ca |
902-494-3956 |
Mechanical Engineering | Dr. Andrew Warkentin andrew.warkentin@dal.ca |
902-494-3901 |
Electrical Engineering | Dr. Jose A Gonzalez-Cueto jose.gonzalez-cueto@dal.ca |
902-494-3106 |
Industrial Engineering | Dr. Ronald Pelot ronald.pelot@dal.ca |
902-494-6113 |
Chemical Engineering |
Dr. Amyl Ghanem Amyl.Ghanem@dal.ca |
902-494-3225 |
Kaarin Tae kaarin.tae@dal.ca |
902-494-7860 | |
Peter Mushkat pwm@dal.ca |
902-494-4581 |
Bachelor of Environmental Design Studies | Prof Benjie Nycum b.nycum@dal.ca |
Master of Architecture | Brian Lilley brian.lilley@dal.ca |
902-494-1661 |
Bachelor of Community Design | Kate Thompson kate.thompson@dal.ca |
902-494-4255 |
Master of Planning | Eric Rapaport eric.rapaport@dal.ca |
902-494-7801 |
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 4R2
Agricultural Campus
Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada B2N 5E3
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 4R2