Dr. Miriam Gordon, PhD, BSc.
Assistant Dean, International, Senior Instructor, Animal Science, Program Coordinator, Certificate in Animal Welfare

Email: miriam.gordon@dal.ca
Phone: 902.893.8055
Mailing Address:
Ph.D – University of British Columbia (Animal Science)
Post Doctoral Fellow - Nova Scotia Agricultural College
B.Sc. Agroecology – University of British Columbia (Honours)
ANSC3002: Domestic Animal Behaviour
ANSC3005: Animal Welfare
Areas of Interest
- Animal behaviour, health, and well-being (welfare)
- Reproductive physiology
Not accepting any graduate students at this time.
Professional Memberships
- International Society of Applied Ethology (ISAE)
- Dairy Cattle Welfare Council
Selected Publications
Miriam Gordon - Google Scholar
Selected Teaching and Learning Publications and Abstract Presentations
Byosiere, Sarah-Elizabeth, Blackwell, Emily, Gordon, Miriam, and Ventura, Beth. 2021. MEME: Motivating Engagement using Meme Examples. Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy. https://jitp.commons.gc.cuny.edu/meme-motivating-engagement-using-meme-examples/
Gordon, M.* 2019. Engaging students in active learning in a fully online animal welfare course. Dalhousie Conference on University Teaching and Learning, Halifax, NS.
MacDonald, M.*, Fraser, G.*, Gordon, M.*, Pelkey-Field, D.*, Sears, J.* 2019. Using learning focused course design to make small changes in the classroom. Dalhousie Conference on University Teaching and Learning, Halifax, NS.