Funding, News and Announcements
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On Tuesday, April 30, Kristina Archibald, Director of Research Grants, Engineering and Life Science at NSERC will be on campus to provide an information session to researchers and administrators on the following topics:
- NSERC News & Updates
- Discovery Grants Results
- Tips on Applying to Discovery Grants
- Alliance Updates
When: Tuesday, April 30 at 10:00 AM-12:00 noon
Location: Henry Hicks building, Lord Dalhousie Room, 141
Please feel free to forward this invitation to members of your faculty.
This meeting will have a hybrid option. To attend in person, please RSVP to To attend virtually, please connect using the Teams link below:
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Meeting ID: 266 155 312 257
Passcode: SbCPtY
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Phone conference ID: 331 415 163#
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