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Canada Foundation for Innovation – 2025 Innovation Fund

Posted by Jaq-Lin Larder on July 31, 2023 in Research Funding

The draft Call for Proposals for the next large-scale CFI Innovation Fund (IF) competition is expected no earlier than Fall 2023. For reference purposes, the CFI 2023 IF Call for Proposals can be found here. As in the past, Dalhousie will hold an internal competition to determine which applications should proceed.

The IF will fund larger-scale transformative research infrastructure projects that support cutting-edge research, are led by world-class research teams, and produce benefits for Canadians.

Researchers interested in leading a CFI IF application, or who wish to partner on an application led by another institution, must submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) to their Dean. The EOI should be no more than 5 pages in length and include information on the following (template available upon request):

1. Research Program: Provide a 0.5-page summary of the proposed research program. Indicate how this research program will improve or enhance Canada’s position globally in this research area.

2. Team Leader(s), Team Members and Other Users: Identify up to 2 Co-Team Leaders and 8-9 Team Members (for a total Team of 10 researchers). This should include researchers from other Faculties and/or institutions, as applicable. Identify up to 20 Other Users who might support the proposed research program and/or benefit from the proposed infrastructure.

3. Proposed Infrastructure: Provide an overview of the proposed major research equipment.

4. Space Requirements: Indicate the need for new space (approximate square footage) and/or renovations.

5. Budget: Provide an approximate budget (CFI ask (40%) and total project costs).

6. Sustainability: Indicate plans for long-term sustainability of the infrastructure, and whether this equipment will be available to the larger research community through a core facility.

7. Benefits to Canadians: State the short- and long-term benefits of the proposed research. List confirmed or potential end-users.

8. Alignment with Research Nova Scotia Missions: State how the proposed research will support the missions of Research Nova Scotia.


Researchers are also asked to provide a 400 word project summary that could be used to share with Research Nova Scotia or other prospective partner funders.

Researchers are encouraged to contact their Faculty office for details on their deadline for submission of the EOI.

For any questions, or for a copy of the CFI IF EOI template, please contact