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» Go to news mainJournal of Marine Science and Engineering special issue on "Women in Marine Science"
Marine science concerns the most vast area of the Earth, the ocean, as a subject of study where various human activities take place and make an impact at national, regional, and global levels. This promising field of science, however, has a relatively low representation of women, typically observed in all the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields.
The special issue of JMSE will bring together research that focuses on the role of women in marine science in advancing sustainable development of the country, region, and globe. It will also address the need of a new approach to support technology and innovation in research through gender equality.
Contributions could be workforce-oriented papers addressing the challenges and opportunities faced by women in marine science, or policy-oriented papers addressing institutional problems and/or good practices in promoting women in marine science.
Deadline for submissions is July 31, 2019.
For more information, visit the JMSE website.