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IWK/Dalhousie Canadian Child Health Clinician Scientist Program

Posted by Suman Jha on August 15, 2016 in Announcements

Dear Colleagues:

Please help spread the word about our IWK/Dal Canadian Child Health Clinician Scientist Program (CCHCSP) program! Individuals at the IWK/Dal in ANY DISCIPLINE (medicine, nursing, psychology, PT, OT, speech/language, pharmacy, etc.) are welcomed!

We meet monthly (Mondays from 4-5 pm) at the IWK to discuss cases and issues relevant to clinician-scientists (with a focus on trainees and early career, but all are welcome!). In addition to our regular meetings (a Curriculum participation certificate  is provided after attending 10 of our site meetings during a 2 year period), participants are eligible for various funding programs (e.g., predoctoral awards, postdoctoral awards, and career development awards for new faculty) and attendance at the annual CCHCSP annual meeting.

More info about the national CCHCSP program available online here. Briefly, CCHCSP based out of Sick Kids that provides support for highly qualified child health clinician candidates to develop knowledge and skills for a career as an independent scientist in child health research.

Our 2016-17 meetings are as follows (all meetings are held from 4-5 pm in the Large Research Services conference room at the IWK, in the Goldbloom Pavillion). I am working on confirming a SPECTACULAR line-up of special guests for the year.  More details will follow.
-        Monday September 12
-        Monday October 17
-        Monday November 14
-        Monday January 16
-        Monday February 20
-        Monday March 13
-        Monday April 10
-        Monday May 8
-        Monday June 5

Also, you will NOT want to miss the first ever CCHCSP Twitter Chat myself (@drcchambers) and Eric Benchimol (@ericbenchimol) from CHEO are co-hosting and organizing, with  Dr. Jim Woodgett (@jwoodgett) from Mount Sinai as our special guest.  What is a Twitter chat you might ask? A Twitter chat is a public Twitter conversation around one unique hashtag. The theme of our chat will be “Launching Your Research Career” and will be held on Tuesday October 4th from 9-10 pm Eastern using the hashtag #CCHCSP. Again, all are welcome!

Please contact me directly with any questions or to be added to our e-mail distribution list for the year.

Many thanks,

Centre lead for CCHCSP at IWK/Dal
Christine T. Chambers, PhD RPsych
Canada Research Chair in Children’s Pain (Tier 1)
Professor of Pediatrics and Psychology & Neuroscience
Dalhousie University and IWK Health Centre
Halifax, Nova Scotia