Practice Profiles



Ongoing Data Collection:

Feedback from our provider team members, local knowledge users, and participants indicated an appetite to generate personalized reports of MAAP-NS findings. Iterative data presentation and survey methods facilitate findings interpretation, provide updated data, and inform future work. The Practice Profiles project:

  • Provides MAAP-NS participants with personalized findings relevant to their practice and in context of primary care in their Network/Zone
  • Builds relationships between providers & MAAP-NS
  • Elicits feedback on findings and future research 
  • Collects new data to answer emerging questions


Developing and Distributing Practice Profiles [PDF-376kB]




Profile Theme Mailout date Response Rate (pre-reminder Response rate (post-reminder)
Accessibilty [PDF-578kB] July 4, 2017 20.5% No reminder set
Avalability [PDF-612kB] December 4, 2017 16.7% 29.8%
Comprehensiveness [PDF-578kB]  May 18, 2018 8.5% 17.6%
Collaboration [PDF-584kB] October 2018 TBD TBD
Models of Care [PDF-599kB] Janurary 2018 TBD TBD