Reproductive Health

Erectile Dysfunction

Websites for Health Professionals

·       Erectile Dysfunction Resource Center (Medscape, registration required)

Print and Electronic Resources

*Recommended texts are linked to publishers' or book sellers' websites for further ordering information

·       Andrology: Male Reproductive Health and Dysfunction (Nieschlag et al. 3rd ed. 2010) - $
·       Heart Disease and Erectile Dysfunction (Kloner, 2004) - $



·       Managing Contraception

Emergency Contraception

·       Emergency Contraception (Princeton University/Association of Reproductive Health Professionals)
·       Plan B: Emergency Contraception

Contraception Canadian Guidelines:

·       Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada: Canadian Contraception Consensus (2017)

o   Part 1
o   Part 2
o   Part 3
o   Part 4

Other Guidelines:

·       NICE Pathway: Contraceptive Services With a Focus on Young People Aged Up to 25, (UK, 2014)
·       NICE Guideline: Contraceptive Services With a Focus on Young People Aged Up to 25, (UK, 2014)
·       Association of American Family Physician: Family Planning and Contraception (US, 2014)

Long-acting Contraception

Canadian Guidelines:

·       Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada: Continuous and Extended Hormonal Contraception(2007)

Other Guidelines:

·       NICE Pathway: Long-acting Reversible Contraception (UK, 2014)
·       NICE Guideline: Long-acting Reversible Contraception(UK, 2014)
·       The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists: Adolescents and Long-Acting Reversible Contraception: Implants and Intrauterine Devices (US, 2012)

Emergency Contraception, Missed Pills, & Sexually Transmitted Infections

Canadian Guidelines:

·       Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada:Emergency Contraception (2014)
·       Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada: Missed Hormonal Contraceptives: New Recommendations (2008)

Other Guidelines:

·       NICE Pathway: Preventing Sexually Transmitted Infections and Under-18 Contraceptions (UK, 2014)
·       NICE Guideline: Preventing Sexually Transmitted Infections and Under-18 Contraceptions (UK, 2007)


·       Canadian Federation for Sexual Health
·       Female Sexual Function Index
·       Halifax Sexual Health Centre
·       Women's Sexual Health Resource Center (Medscape, registration required)

Health Information

·       Planned Parenthood
·       Women's Health (World Health Organization)