Funding, News and Announcements
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The Atlantic Poultry Research Institute (APRI) has initiated a new process for researchers looking to partner with the Atlantic poultry industry. At the direction of their Board, APRI now requires researchers to submit Letters of Intent to be eligible for project support; this support includes letters of support, financial assistance* or in-kind contributions.
The Process
Interested researchers can submit a Letter of Intent to APRI ( using the attached guidelines and optional budget template (also available online).
The deadline for submission is 11:59 p.m. September 15, 2024. LOIs will have an initial review at APRI’s September 24, 2024, board meeting. At this virtual meeting researchers will be given an opportunity to present their research proposal (5 min presentation max). A final decision will be provided following APRI’s board meeting in January 2025.
Egg, chicken, turkey and hatchery commodity associations have experienced an increase in direct requests from researchers seeking support with research projects. Producers have limited funds; they need to pool resources to support research projects. Such pooling requires budgeting (done annually) and timely coordination among producers and boards. Producers rely on APRI’s expertise to assess projects. Developing this LOI process is intended to streamline the review process and help researchers with project planning.
About APRI
APRI is an industry-led organization that was founded in 1988. Since that time, it’s mandate has remained unchanged, “to further, through scientific research, regional interests relating to poultry production.” The Board of Directors has one ‘Atlantic’ representative from each of the poultry commodity boards – chicken, egg, turkey, hatching egg – as well as from government, various supply industries, and universities. The egg, chicken, turkey and hatchery sectors review and update their research priorities each year.
Research priorities can be found online (under the research tab). APRI’s goal is to support research that is impactful to industry, to help researchers access industry funds that, in turn, allows them to leverage additional funding required to conduct the research project. APRI encourages all interested researchers to review the factsheets and newsletters (under the resources tab) that profile past research partners and projects which have been shared with regional and national stakeholders.
For questions, please contact:
Laurie Eagles, APRI Office Manager or 902-893-6657
* APRI’s financial contribution is limited. Typically, researchers obtain the bulk of funding from other sources such as but not limited to NSERC Alliance, Mitacs, Net Zero Atlantic, and the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership.
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