Judith Godin

Research Associate / Data Analyst

Phone: 902-473-3849
Email: judith.godin@dal.ca

Twitter @1DrJG

Judith received her PhD in psychology from Carleton University in 2011. Following her PhD, Judith held a Mitacs Elevate postdoctoral fellowship in health services research at the University of Toronto. After that she worked at the Nova Scotia Centre on Aging at Mount Saint Vincent University as a data analyst and subsequently as a postdoctoral fellow. Judith is currently part of the Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging team that investigates how multi-morbidity modifies the risk of dementia and the patterns of disease expression. Developing a strong interest in quantitative methods and statistics while pursuing her PhD, Judith found herself drawn to the subjects of geriatrics and gerontology working as a data analyst, subsequently a postdoctoral fellow, at Mount Saint Vincent University. Her work examines how social and behavioural factors influence frailty and cognition, including how employment and retirement relate to frailty and cognitive impairment. Other interests include gerontology and health services research and occupational health psychology.