Drug Identification/Drug Nomenclature/Pronunciation of Drug Names
Drug Identification
- Health Canada: Drug Product Database
- Health Canada: Notice of Compliance (Drugs)
- Health Canada: Special Access to Drugs and Health Products
- Patented Medicines Prices Review Board: National Prescription Drug Utilization Information System - New Drug Pipeline Monitor
United States (US)
United Kingdom (UK)
- ChemIDplus (U.S. National Library of Medicine)
- Identification of Foreign Medicines (The Pharmaceutical Journal) - subscription required
- Medical Subject Headings Browser (MeSH) (U.S. National Library of Medicine)
Print & Electronic Resources
*Recommended texts & electronic resources are linked to publishers' or book sellers' websites for further ordering information:
United States (US)
Print & Electronic Resources
*Recommended texts & electronic resources are linked to publishers' or book sellers' websites for further ordering information
- American Drug Index 2011 - $
- Drug Facts and Comparisons 2011 - $
- Handbook of Nonprescription Drugs (Berardi et al/APhA, 18th ed. 2015) - $
- Micromedex - $
- Red Book (AAP Committee on Infectious Diseases, 30th ed. 2015) - $
- USP Dictionary of USAN and International Drug Names - $
United Kingdom (UK)
*Recommended texts & electronic resources are linked to publishers' or book sellers' websites for further ordering information
- Martindale: The Complete Drug Reference (39th ed. 2017) - $
*Recommended texts & electronic resources are linked to publishers' or book sellers' websites for further ordering information
- Clarke's Analysis of Drugs and Poisons (Moffat et al. 4th ed. 2011) - $
- Index Nominum: International Drug Directory (Micromedex) - $
- Martindale: The Complete Drug Reference (39th ed. 2017) - $
- Micromedex - $
- The Merck Index (15th ed. 2013)
Physical Identification of Drug Products
United States (US)
- DrugPoints System - $
- IDENTIDEX System (Micromedex) - $
- Pill Identification Wizard (Drugs.com)
- Pill Identification Tool (WebMD)
- Pillbox (National Library of Medicine)
United Kingdom (UK)
- IDENTIDEX System (Micromedex) - $
Drug Nomenclature
Websites for Health Professionals
- British Approved Names - $
- CAS Registry (American Chemical Society)
- International Nonproprietary Names (INN) (WHO)
- Lists of Recommended and Proposed INNs (WHO)
Pronunciation of Drug Names
Print and Electronic Resources
- Lexi-Comp Online - with audioclips - $
- MedlinePlus: Medical Dictionary - with audioclips
- Merck Manual: Pronunciation - with audioclips
Published: 01 Jun 2015
Revised: 13 Mar 2017 Â