Science Links

Here are some resources to facilitate research activities:

Local resources
Journal club schedule
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Research Resource
FACES login page
Maritime Mass Spectrometry Laboratory

Chemistry resources
Chemicals - commercially available search site
1H, 13C, MS, IR spectral database for organic compounds (SDBS)
Not Voodoo - Demystifying Synthetic Organic Laboratory Technique - all the necessary basics
IUPAC automated naming site for organic chemicals
Name reaction list
Great carbohydrate and amino acid primer on protecting group chemistry McGarvey Lab Virginia
NMR solvent chemical shifts (lots of other great chemistry links here)
Pressure unit conversions
The chemistry guide - an excellent site to find a wide range of chemical information
Search site for HPLC manuals from Agilent (parts: G1312A G1379A G1367A G1323B)

Searching services
Dalhousie University Library Homepage
Document delivery request form
Novanet library searches
Web of Knowledge
SciFinder structure and reaction searching
Chemical synthesis database (40,000 compounds and references)
Pubcrawler email literature search engine
Refworks reference mangement software
DrugBank structures and activities of therapeutically approved drugs
RSC Journal abbreviations
ACS publications
Search NSERC Awards Database
Search CIHR Funded Research Database

Gene and protein analysis
Silent mutation scanning and restriction analysis (WatCut)
Carbohydrate active enzyme database
Expasy molecular biology server
Protein Databank
SignalP signal peptide search engine
ClustalW alignment engine
DNA and protein manipulation tools
Pymol useful pdb viewing software Wiki
More Pymol help

Other links of use
College of Pharmacy
Department of Chemistry
Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation
Dalhousie Infectious Diseases Research Alliance
Beatrice Hunter Cancer Research Institute
Dalhousie University Graduate Scholarships

Service Nova Scotia Service and Municipal Relations