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Proposed Digital Vaccination "Passport" Raises Scientific and Ethical Concerns

Posted by nte on January 24, 2021 in In Action
Photo credit: Red Eye Collective (LC) + Graham Kennedy (FB)
Photo credit: Red Eye Collective (LC) + Graham Kennedy (FB)

Chisholm, Lorraine. (24 Jan 2021). Proposed Digital Vaccination 'Passport' Raises Scientific And Ethical Concerns — an interview with Françoise Baylis. Red Eye Collective (Vancouver Cooperative Radio, CFRO 100.5 fm).

"As the world struggles with the second wave of the pandemic and vaccines are being rolled out, we are starting to hear calls for an app that could store a record of a Covid-19 vaccination. Françoise Baylis is a philosopher with a special interest in medical ethics. She tells us some of her concerns with how a vaccination record for Covid-19 could be used."