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Special Issue: Biobanking Eggs and Embryos for Research

Posted by nte on March 22, 2016 in In Print

Cattapan, A., & Snow, D. (Dec 2015). Special issue: Biobanking eggs and embryos for research.Monash Bioethics Review, 33(1), 231-398.

The purpose of this special issue is to interrogate the normative, ethical, and practical issues that arise from biobanking eggs and embryos for research. This topic involves three distinct but overlapping areas of research, each of increasing relevance due to emerging technologies and scientific discoveries about the human body: first, the growth of centralised biobanks, both real and virtual, containing human biological material; second, the growing amount of material and information derived from human reproduction, particularly eggs and embryos (but also cord blood and stem cell lines) in storage; and third, the growing propensity of that reproductive material to be used for non-reproductive research purposes. It is our contention that scholarly exploration of these three issues has been isolated and fragmented. The goal of this special issue is to bring them together, and to explore the various factors that affect biobanks for human eggs and embryos for research. More specifically, this special issue is intended to promote critical thinking about the feasibility and desirability of biobanking of eggs and embryos, as well as of other reproductive tissues and fluids, for research.

Read the introductory editorial.