
Project Summaries and Websites

Nova Scotia Travel Activity (NovaTRAC)

The NovaTRAC survey began in 2017 with the goal of gathering information on how Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) residents travel in order to better understand and improve the region’s transportation systems.

A randomly sampled travel behaviour survey was distributed to approximately 12,000 households. The anonymous survey asked respondents to provide household information and to record their travel activities for a 24-hour period. The information gathered through this survey will be combined with other households and analyzed to better understand travel patterns and the transportation needs for the future of the HRM.

This project has offered partnership building opportunities as well as acts as a benchmark for travel behavior information and transportation network modelling. More importantly, it establishes a survey methodology, survey tools and data which will be useful for transportation professionals at the municipal and provincial levels for years to come.

DalTRAC would like to thank all those who participated. As of November 2018, the survey has closed.

For information about the NovaTRAC project, contact us at

Connect Smart Project

ConnectSmart challenged the way Nova Scotians think about their daily commute. It explored how communities are envisioning the adoption of new mobility options and services, including shared mobility options, electric vehicles, transit, and active transportation, among others. DalTRAC engaged professionals (planners, urban designers, engineers, etc.), and community groups (cycling advocates, walking and transit groups) in an open dialogue to envision a smart transportation network.

To facilitate engagement, DalTRAC conducted two workshops, a social media campaign and is hosting a website. The website and the social media campaign will continue the conversation on how to plan and prepare for emerging technology-based mobility opportunity.

Our goal is to generate considerable discussion on three themes: Integrated Mobility, Transportation-Land Use-Health Integration and Future Mobility Integrations. We want to enhance the knowledge base for integrating new transportation technology and mobility options.

For information about the Connect Smart project, contact us at

StreetSenseNetwork Project

The StreetSenseNetwork Project is a partnership between DalTRAC and the Halifax Cycling Coalition, with support from Halifax Regional Municipality. It will provide automatically transmitted, publicly accessible baseline information on cyclists and pedestrians for specific locations throughout the municipality. The first counter has been installed on Agricola Street to collect the number of people cycling travelling South.  

The initiative aims to increase the availability and transparency of data for bicycle usage in Halifax. It will be a tremendous resource for bike planning and promotion in the region. The StreetSenseNetwork will be growing over the next few months so check back for data in other locations.

For more information about the StreetSenseNetwork please contact

For more information about the Halifax Cycling Coalition, please visit

Thumbs Up! Share the Road Nova Scotia Project

Thumbs Up! Share the Road Nova Scotia is a community-based Share the Road awareness campaign for Nova Scotia. The goal of the campaign is to promote positive behavioural change and safer sharing of the roads for all road users in Nova Scotia - Pedestrians, Cyclists, and Motorists.

Initiated by Dalhousie Transportation Collaboratory (DalTRAC) in 2012, the campaign is the product of extensive research and community consultation. After a review of more than 70 Share the Road campaigns from North America, New Zealand and Australia, DalTRAC and interested communities hosted several community engagement sessions (in Chester, Hubbards, New Glasgow, Pictou, Halifax Regional Municipality and Annapolis County) to generate discussion on sharing the road in both urban and rural contexts, and ideas for what a local Share the Road campaign should look like. Information from the community workshops was used to design a Share the Road awareness campaign for Nova Scotia, which can be adopted by any municipality.

For information on bringing Share the Road Nova Scotia to your community, contact us at