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Mathematicians or statisticians on May 31

Posted by Karl Dilcher on May 31, 2017 in Alumni & Friends

Mathematicians or statisticians born on May 31:

William Peddie, 1861 - 1946

graduated from Edinburgh University and then lectured in Physics. He was appointed Professor of Physics at Queen's College Dundee and held this post for 37 years. Biography

Alan Broadbent, 1903 - 1973

a British mathematician who was editor of the Mathematical Gazette for many years. Biography

Hermann Arthur Jahn, 1907 - 1979


Nikolai Vladimirovich Efimov, 1910 - 1982


John Kemeny, 1926 - 1992


** Those who died on this day:

Évariste Galois, 1811 - 1832

a French mathematician who produced a method of determining when a general equation could be solved by radicals and is famous for his development of early group theory. He died very young after fighting a duel. Biography

George Green, 1793 - 1841

an English mathematician best-known for Green's function and Green's theorems in potential theory. Biography

Francesco Siacci, 1839 - 1907

an Italian mathematician whose most important work was in application of mechanics to artillery. Biography

Eugène Cosserat, 1866 - 1931

studied the deformation of surfaces which led him to a theory of elasticity. Biography

Robert Schlapp, 1899 - 1991

studied at Edinburgh and Cambridge universities. He spent his whole career at Edinburgh University teaching mathematics and Physics. He was also interested in the History of Mathematics. Biography

Marian Țarină,  1932 - 1992


Michio Suzuki, 1926 - 1998


Erich Kähler, 1906 - 2000


Detlef Gromoll, 1938 - 2008
