Jennifer Lane

Assistant Professor


Phone:  (902) 489-7410
Fax: 902-494-3487
Mailing Address: 
Room N20, Forrest Bldg., Dalhousie University PO Box 15000 5869 University Avenue Halifax, NS, B3H 4R2


Dr. Jennifer Lane has been teaching at the School of Nursing since 2016 after graduating from the nursing program herself in 2015. Dr. Lane’s lived experience with mental illness and as a lesbian has and will continue to shape her path in the nursing profession.

Dr. Lane’s PhD research (Killam Trusts) sought to understand how health services are delivered to 2SLGBTQ populations in Nova Scotia and informed the generation of new theory that furthered understanding on processes and factors influencing the delivery of health services to sexual and gender minorities in ways that can account for the infinite diversity held by these groups.

Dr. Lane sees mental health and addictions as a tool for fostering equity, diversity, and cultures of inclusiveness within nursing schools and a means by which the health system can undergo equitable transformation.

Her research interests relate to health equity and methodological innovation.


• Lane, J. (2023). Working Through Stigma: A Constructivist Grounded Theory of Delivering Health Services to Diverse 2SLGBTQ Populations. Qualitative Health Research, 0(0), 1–14.

• Lane, J. & Waldron, I. (2021). Fostering Equity, Diversity, and Cultures of Inclusiveness Through Curricular Development. Journal of Nursing Education, 60(11): 614-617.

• Lane, J. (2021). If Adorno met Intersectionality Theory: Reconceiving the method of negative case analysis. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 20: 1-9. https://doi:10.1177/16094069211045473

• Lane, J., McCarthy, C., Dart, G., Furlotte, K. (2021). Gender-affirming Primary Healthcare Services: Establishing a Province-wide Referral Network. The Nurse Practitioner, 46(8): 39-43. https://doi: 10.1097/01.NPR.0000753844.78841.99

• Carrier, L., Dame, J. & Lane, J. (2020). Two-Spirit Identity and Indigenous Conceptualizations of Gender and Sexuality: Implications for Nursing Practice. Creative Nursing.

• Lane, J. (2020). Disrupting Heteronormativity and Deconstructing Homosexuality. Journal of Homosexuality.

• Lane, J. Ngo, L. (2020). Perspectives of Minority Nursing Students on Supporting Diversity in the Classroom. Nurse Education Today, 85, 104238-104241.

• Lane, J., Carrier, L., Jefferies, K., & Yu, Z. (2019). Diverse Representation in Nursing Leadership: Developing a Shared Position Statement on Allyship. Creative Nursing.