Nitrogen Sources and Management in Organic Systems
Scientific Results
- Accumulation of biologically fixed nitrogen by legumes cultivated as cover crops in Switzerland
- Plant and Soil (2015) 393: 163-175
- Agronomic performance, carbon storage and nitrogen utilisation of long-term organic and conventional stockless arable systems in Mediterranean area
- European Journal of Agronomy (2013) 52: 138-145
- Approaches to optimizing nitrogen fertilization in a winter wheat–red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) relay cropping system
Field Crops Research (2013) 155: 192-201
Editor's Note: Results may vary with organic management.
- Assessing soil nitrogen availability in contrasting cropping systems at the end of transition to organic production
- Canadian Journal of Soil Science (2011) 91: 493-501
- Available nitrogen and phosphorus in soil amended with fresh or composted cattle manure containing straw or wood-chip bedding
- Canadian Journal of Soil Science (2010) 90: 341-354
- Barley–hairy vetch mixture as cover crop for green manuring and the mitigation of N leaching risk
- European Journal of Agronomy (2014) 54: 34-39
- Biological nitrogen fixation in mixed legume-cereal cropping systems
- Plant and Soil (1992) 141: 155-175
- Biological nitrogen fixation in mixed legume/grass pastures
- Plant and Soil (1992) 141: 137-153
- Biological nitrogen fixation in three long-term organic and conventional arable crop rotation experiments in Denmark
- European Journal of Agronomy (2017) 90: 87-95
- Blood Meal-Based Compound. Good Choice as Iron Fertilizer for Organic Farming
- Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2013) 61: 3995-4003
- Can δ15N in lettuce tissues reveal the use of synthetic nitrogen fertiliser in organic production?
- Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (2011) 91: 262-267
- Carbon and Nitrogen Release from Legume Crop Residues for Three Subsequent Crops
- Soil Science Society of America Journal (2015) 79: 1650-1659
- Carbon and Nitrogen Stocks and Nitrogen Mineralization in Organically Managed Soils Amended with Composted Manures
- Journal of Environmental Quality (2012) 41: 1337-1347
- Cereal yield and quality as affected by nitrogen availability in organic and conventional arable crop rotations: A combined modeling and experimental approach
- European Journal of Agronomy (2011) 34: 83-95
- Contribution of relay intercropping with legume cover crops on nitrogen dynamics in organic grain systems
- Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (2014) 98: 1-14
- Cover Crop and Poultry Litter Management Influence Spatiotemporal Availability of Topsoil Nitrogen
- Soil Science Society of America Journal (2015) 79: 1660-1673
- Crop yield, root growth, and nutrient dynamics in a conventional and three organic cropping systems with different levels of external inputs and N re-cycling through fertility building crops
- European Journal of Agronomy (2012) 37: 66-82
- Decomposition and nitrogen mineralization from legumes and non-legume crop residue in a subarctic agricultural soil
- Biology and Fertility of Soils (1994) 17: 269-275
- Decomposition rate of organic fertilizers: effect on yield, nitrogen availability and nitrogen stock in the soil
- Dinitrogen fixation and transfer in legume-crested wheatgrass mixtures on semiarid rangelands
- Arid Land Research and Management (1993) 7: 1-13
- Drivers of nitrogen dynamics in ecologically based agriculture revealed by long-term, high frequency field measurements
- Ecological Applications (2015) 25: 2210-2227
- Effect of temperature and precipitation on nitrate leaching from organic cereal cropping systems in Denmark
- European Journal of Agronomy (2015) 62: 55-64
- Effects of conventional and organic fertilization on spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) growth, yield, vitamin C and nitrate concentration during two successive seasons
- Scientia Horticulturae (2010) 126: 415-420
- Effects of cutting, mulching and applications of farmyard manure on the supply of nitrogen from a red clover/grass sward
- Organic Agriculture (2014) 4: 15-24
- Effects of grass-clover management and cover crops on nitrogen cycling and nitrous oxide emissions in a stockless organic crop rotation
- Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (2013) 181: 115-126
- Effects of organic and conventional fertilizer treatments on host selection by the aphid parasitoid Diaeretiella rapae
- Journal of Applied Entomology (2012) 136: 445-455
- Effects of Seeding Rate and Poultry Litter on Weed Suppression from a Rolled Cereal Rye Cover Crop
- Weed Science (2011) 59: 438-444
- Estimated nitrogen use efficiency, surplus, and partitioning in young apple trees grown in varied organic production systems
- Scientia Horticulturae (2011) 129: 674-679
- Estimating Nitrogen Mineralization of Composted Poultry Manure, Organic Fertilizers, and Green Manure Crops for Organic Sweet Corn Production on a Sandy Soil Under Laboratory Conditions
- HortTechnology (2012) 22: 37-43
- Evaluation of nitrogen supply rate measured by in situ placement of Plant Root Simulator probes as a predictor of nitrogen supply from soil and organic amendments in potato crop
- American Journal of Potato Research (2009) 86: 356-366
- Evaluation of Nitrogen Utilization By Means of the Concept of Primary Production Balance
- The Feasibility of Organic Nutrient Management in Large-scale Sweet Corn Production for Processing
- HortTechnology (2012) 22: 25-36
- Frequency of field pea in rotations impacts biological nitrogen fixation
- Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2012) 92: 1005-1011
- Grass–Legume Mixtures and Soil Fertility Affect Cover Crop Performance and Weed Seed Production
- Weed Technology (2011) 25: 473-479
- Improving Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Crops for Sustainable Agriculture
- Sustainability (2011) 3: 1452-1485
- In-Season Nitrogen Effects on Organic Hard Red Winter Wheat Yield and Quality
- Agronomy Journal (2013) 105: 1167-1175
- Influence of ley duration on the yield and quality of the subsequent cereal crop (spring oats) in an organically managed long-term crop rotation experiment
- Organic Agriculture (2011) 1: 147-159
- Litter quality and decomposition of Vitis vinifera L. residues under organic and conventional farming systems
- European Journal of Soil Biology (2010) 46: 208-217
- Losses of nitrogen and phosphorus via the drainage system from organic crop rotations with and without livestock on a clay soil in southwest Sweden
- Organic Agriculture (2012) 1: 217-229
- Mechanical control of clover improves nitrogen supply and growth of wheat in winter wheat/white clover intercropping
- European Journal of Agronomy (2006) 24: 149–155
- Mineralization of legume seed meals as organic fertilizers affected by their quality at low temperatures
- Biological Agriculture & Horticulture (2015) 31: 91-107
- Modelling uncertainty for nitrate leaching and nitrous oxide emissions based on a Swedish field experiment with organic crop rotation
- Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment (2011) 141: 167-183
- N supply in stockless organic cereal production under northern temperate conditions. Undersown legumes, or whole-season green manure?
- N2 fixation by organically grown soybean in Central Europe: Method of quantification and agronomic effects
- European Journal of Agronomy (2012) 41: 11-17
- A New Decay Series for Organic Crop Production
- Agronomy Journal (2010) 102: 457-463
- Nitrate leaching from organic and conventional arable crop farms in the Seine Basin (France)
- Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (2014) 100: 285-299
- Nitrate leaching from organic arable crop rotations is mostly determined by autumn field management
- Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (2011) 142: 149-160
- Nitrogen and Carbon Mineralization Rates of Composted Manures Incubated in Soil
- Journal of Environmental Quality (1994) 23: 1184–1189
- Nitrogen Availability from Composts for Grass and Legume-Grass Forage Production
- Journal of Environmental Quality (2004) 33: 1509-1520
- Nitrogen availability from high-nitrogen-containing organic fertilizers
- HortTechnology (2006) 16: 39-42
- Nitrogen Availability from Liquid Organic Fertilizers
- HortTechnology (2010) 20: 169-172
- Nitrogen Availability in an Organic Potato Crop Following 3-Year Transition under Contrasting Farming Systems
- Journal of Sustainable Agriculture (2010) 34: 821-835
- Nitrogen balances and nitrogen-use efficiency of different organic and conventional farming systems
- Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (2016) 105: 1-23
- Nitrogen Contribution of Legume/Cereal Mixed Cover Crops and Organic Fertilizers to an Organic Broccoli Crop
- HortScience (2011) 46: 1154-1162
- Nitrogen contribution of rye–hairy vetch cover crop mixtures to organically grown sweet corn
- Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2013) 28: 59-69
- Nitrogen Delivery from Legume Cover Crops in No-Till Organic Corn Production
- Agronomy Journal (2011) 103: 1578-1590
- Nitrogen dynamics in stockless organic clover–grass and cereal rotations
- Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (2012) 92: 363-378
- Nitrogen efficiency of Brussels sprouts under different organic N fertilization rates
- Scientia Horticulturae (2012) 134: 7-12
- Nitrogen Efficiency in Organic Farming Using a GPS Precision Farming Technique
- Nitrogen fertility in semiarid dryland wheat production is challenging for beginning organic farmers
- Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2014) 29: 42-47
- Nitrogen fixation and transfer in grassclover leys under organic and conventional cropping systems
- Nitrogen fixation and transfer of red clover genotypes under legume–grass forage based production systems
- Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (2016) 106: 233-247
- Nitrogen fixation and yield of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.), as affected by co-inoculation with Sinorhizobium meliloti and arbuscular mycorrhiza under dry organic farming conditions
- Nitrogen flows on organic and conventional dairy farms: a comparison of three indicators
- Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (2018) 110:25-38
- Nitrogen management in organic farming: comparison of crop rotation residual effects on yields, N leaching and soil conditions
- Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (2010) 87: 21-31
- Nitrogen management in organic potato production
- Sustainable Potato Production: Global Case Studies (2012) pp 209-231
- Nitrogen Management of Organic Winter Wheat: Decision-Making Through Model-Based Explorations
- Nitrogen management strategies in organic winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) production
- Organic Agriculture (2013) 3: 71-82
- Nitrogen mineralization dynamics of different valuable organic amendments commonly used in agriculture
- Applied Soil Ecology (2016) 100: 185-193
- Nitrogen soil surface balance of organic vs conventional cash crop farming in the Seine watershed
- Agricultural Systems (2015) 139: 82-92
- Nitrogen supply in conventional versus organic farming systems: effects on the performance of cereal aphids
- Organic Agriculture (2013) 3: 129-139
- Nitrogen use efficiency in an 11-year study of conventional and organic wheat cultivation
- Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis (2006) 37: 417-449
- Nitrogen use efficiency of 15N-labelled sheep manure and mineral fertiliser applied to microplots in long-term organic and conventional cropping systems
- Nitrous oxide emissions with organic crop production depends on fall soil moisture
- Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (2018) 254: 41-49
- Organic amendment effects on tuber yield, plant N uptake and soil mineral N under organic potato production
- Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2008) 23:250-259
- Organic Farming Challenge of Timing Nitrogen Availability to Crop Nitrogen Requirements
- Soil Science Society of America Journal (2000) 64: 247-253
- Organic N and particulate organic matter fractions in organic and conventional farming systems with a history of manure application
- Plant and Soil (2007) 291: 311-321
- A participative network of organic and conventional crop farms in the Seine Basin (France) for evaluating nitrate leaching and yield performance
- Agricultural Systems (2016) 148: 105-113
- Permeability of Fabric Ground Covers to Organically-Derived Nutrients
- International Journal of Fruit Science (2010) 10: 109-122
- Plant based organic fertilisers - a viable nutrient source for organic market gardens
- Acta Horticulturae (2006) 700: 255-260
- Plant Uptake of Soluble Organic Molecules as N-Source
- Production of AM fungus colonized seedlings under organic management: suitability of hydrolyzed fish vs. blood meal as options for N addition
- Biological Agriculture & Horticulture (2013) 29: 186-196
- Productivity and nitrogen benefits of late-season legume cover crops in organic wheat production
- Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2014) 94: 771-783
- Quantification of nitrogen inputs from biological nitrogen fixation to whole farm nitrogen budgets of two dairy farms in Atlantic Canada
- Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (2013) 96: 93-105
- Reduced nitrate leaching and enhanced denitrifier
activity and efficiency in organically fertilized soils
- PNAS (2006) 103: 4522-4527
- Repeated use of green-manure catch crops in organic cereal production - grain yields and nitrogen supply
- Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Plant Soil Science (2011) 61: 164-175
- Root expression of nitrogen metabolism genes reflects soil nitrogen cycling in an organic agroecosystem
- Plant and Soil (2015) 392: 175-189
- Short-term nitrogen dynamics in soil amended with poultry litter containing woodchip bedding
- Canadian Journal of Soil Science (2016) 96: 427-434
- Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics Following Application of Pig Slurry for the 19th Consecutive Year II. Nitrous Oxide Fluxes and Mineral Nitrogen
- Soil Science Society of America Journal (2000) 64: 1396-1403
- Soil nitrogen mineralization in a soil with long-term history of fresh and composted manure containing straw or wood-chip bedding
- Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (2014) 99: 63-78
- Sustainable Production of Marigold and Calibrachoa with Organic Fertilizers
- HortScience (2013) 48: 637-644
- Synchrony between legume nitrogen release and corn demand in the upper Midwest
- Agronomy Journal (1995) 87: 1063-1069
- SyNE: An improved indicator to assess nitrogen efficiency of farming systems
- Agricultural Systems (2014) 127: 41-52
- Thirty-seven years of soil nitrogen and phosphorus fertility management shapes the structure and function of the soil microbial community in a Brown Chernozem
- Plant and Soil (2009) 315: 173-184
- Tightly-Coupled Plant-Soil Nitrogen Cycling: Comparison of Organic Farms across an Agricultural Landscape
- PLoS ONE (2015) 10(6): e0131888
- Total loss and distribution of nitrogen and phosphorus in the outdoor run of organic laying hens
- British Poultry Science (2012) 53: 731-740
- Use of legume green manures as nitrogen sources for corn production
- Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2012) 27: 180-191
- Vegetative composition, AMF root colonization, and biological N fixation distinguish organic and conventional perennial forage systems
- Agronomy Journal (2017) 109: 1697-1706
- Winter Cover Crop Seeding Rate and Variety Effects during Eight Years of Organic Vegetables: III. Cover Crop Residue Quality and Nitrogen Mineralization
- Agronomy Journal (2013) 105: 171-182