Funding, News and Announcements
» Go to news mainJoint Call between CIHR and AMED for Cancer Research (Pre‑Announcement)
The CIHR is pleased to announce the upcoming launch of the Team Grants: Bringing Biology to Cancer Prevention.
This funding opportunity is led by the CIHR Institute of Cancer Research (CIHR-ICR) in collaboration with the CIHR Institutes of: Aging (CIHR-IA), Gender and Health (CIHR-IGH), Nutrition, Metabolism and Diabetes (CIHR-INMD), Population and Public Health (CIHR-IPPH), and in partnership with the BioCanRx, Canadian Cancer Society (CCS), Cancer Research Society (CRS), Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) - Adopting Sustainable Partnerships for Innovative Research Ecosystem (ASPIRE), and other external partners.
Maximum amount per grant is $400,000 CAD per year for up to five (5) years, for a total of $2,000,000 CAD per grant.
The maximum amount for the Japanese component of the “international Japan-Canada Geroscience” grant is ¥76,000,000 YEN per year for up to five (5) years, for a total of ¥380,000,000 YEN. The Japanese funding amount is in addition to the funding provided for the Canadian component of the International Japan-Canada Geroscience Team as described above.
Please visit the CIHR “Bringing Biology to Cancer Prevention Team Grant” pre-announcement for full details.
Updates for this funding opportunity will be provided in the ORS Newsletter.
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