Funding, News and Announcements
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Minutes prepared by Eileen Denovan-Wright, Associate Dean Research, Faculty of Medicine
CIHR Updates
CIHR is recruiting for the next New Scientific Director for Institute of Population and Public Health, and the closing date for applications is November 1, 2022
CIHR introduced an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Self-Identification Questionnaire for peer review committee members. Completion of the questionnaire is now required prior to beginning peer review activities; peer reviewers will be required to complete the questionnaire before they can access applications assigned to them for review. The collection of self-identification data is essential to improving EDI across Canada’s research funding system. An “I prefer not to answer” option is available for all questions.
The launch of the Clinical Trials Fund online consultation was presented. Written comments can be provided until November 23, 2022. Information from this consultation will inform additional targeted stakeholder engagement and the development of a proposal for a long-term clinical trials strategy for CIHR. Link to the consultation information webpage.
CIHR is surveying current trainee/postdoc stipends. The purpose of this survey is to gather information regarding institutional practices surrounding trainee/postdoc stipends.
Data management plans will be discussed in November 2022 UD Meeting.
Project Grant: Spring 2022 results
The Project Grants: Spring 2022 competition has approved 405 research grants, plus two bridge grants, for a total investment of approximately $325M. An across-the-board reduction of 23.5% to the budgets of funded applications was applied to allow the organization to fund a larger number of highly ranked projects.
In addition, 61 priority announcement grants were funded for a total amount of $10,779,207 and sixteen supplemental prizes were awarded for a total of $1,060,000.
The 405 grants approved were awarded to 391 individual nominated principal investigators (fourteen NPIs were awarded two grants). Of the 405 grants, 113 were awarded to early career researchers, and nine were awarded for Indigenous health research projects.
The average grant size/duration is approximately $803,095 over 4.43 years.
Fall 2022 Project Grant Competition - Important Dates:
- Release Notice of Recommendation (NOR) January 18, 2023
- Anticipated Notice of Decision (NOD) February 1, 2023
- Funding Start Date April 1, 2023
Spring 2023 Project Grant Competition - Important Dates:
- Registration Deadline: February 8, 2023
- Application Deadline: March 8, 2023
Reminder: ResearchNet keeps a list of current funding opportunities.