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RAC 2019 Launches
On September 27, 2018, Compute Canada will launch its annual Resource Allocation Competitions (RAC), a peer-reviewed process to grant priority access to storage and compute resources beyond what can be obtained via the Rapid Access Service.
Have questions? Visit the website, email or join Compute Canada on October 4 for the RAC 2019 Q&A Session.
Addressing Gaps in Canadian Research Data Management
Steven N. Liss, VP (Research and Innovation) at Ryerson University, Chair of the Portage Advisory Committee, and Compute Canada board member describes how stakeholders can work together to develop the tools, resources, and services Canadian researchers need to meet the research data management (RDM) challenges ahead. Read more
Calling all data visualization enthusiasts: the Visualize This! Challenge is back!
Now in its third year, Visualize This! is a Canada-wide competition that celebrates the innovative ways visualization can help researchers explore datasets and answer important scientific questions. Hosted by WestGrid, the 2018 Challenge has a twist: two different datasets to choose from!
You can enter the scientific visualization challenge based on a molecular dynamics simulation dataset, or the humanities visualization challenge based on the Orlando British Women’s Writing Dataset.
Both datasets will be available for downloading as of October 1 and submissions are due no later than November 30.
#vizthis2018 Visit the Visualize This! website for contest details and to register for the Challenge