Combined Recreation Management Program

Two degrees in five years

Instead of the standard four-year program, students can opt for the Bachelor of Science and Recreation/Bachelor of Management program, commonly referred to as Recreation Management that will earn you two degrees in five years: a Bachelor of Science (Recreation) degree (BScR) and a Bachelor of Management degree (BMgmt).

This is a unique way to prepare graduates with valuable business and management skills for careers in the growing recreation and leisure service industry.

What's required

Over the course of your degree, you will need to take 16 full-credit (or 32 half-credit) core classes. To fulfill this requirement, your courses must include 4.5 full-credit (9 half-credit) electives, 1 full-credit (2 half-credit) MGMT/LEIS electives, 1 full-credit (2 half-credit) writing requirement and 2.5 full-credits (5 half-credits) for internships.

Required classes are offered through the School of Health and Human Performance (Faculty of Health Professions) and the Faculty of Management. 

Core Classes Include:

School of Health and Human Performance

Bachelor of Management Program
Human Growth and Development
Community Development
Leisure Theory
Program Planning
Leadership and Group Dynamics
Recreation Facility Design and Operations Management
Managing Organizational Issues
Electronic Information Management
People, Work and Organizations
Government Structure and Policy Formulation
Professional Communication Skills
Ecosystems Goods & Services

The program culminates in a 14 week full-time internship placement in a recreation business or agency.

You can find our dual degree graduates employed in managerial positions in national sport governing bodies, municipal recreation departments, professional sport organizations, fitness centres, resorts and many other venues.